Just In
for Truth Be Told

3/21/2004 c27 Clark
You know what I'm afraid of? You're right - this may very well be the most dynamic election year in decades, or a century even. We have two half-witted idiots running for President, neither of them deserving of the job. But the two sides are ardently fighting each other, far more ardently than in past election years, and the two sides are getting dumber and dumber. So what do I fear?
Civil war.
And I'm not kidding, either.
3/21/2004 c27 8DPTRM
Thank you Steve! Someone finally points this out to the democrats. Everything you've said in this is absolutely true and represents the mans character. If I was in the United States military, I would rather be stuck in Iraq and get shot at by the people I was trying to help then have John Kerry in office. No one should want him in office, the military especially. All the democrats are busy raising him up as a war hero and yet it's common knowledge that when he got home from the war, he turned his back on the people he had been fighting side by side with. He came home and became a protester. I know that that is perfectly legal, but if you do that then by no means should he be allowed to come back a few decades later and be like, "hey, I'm a war hero, vote for me!" The man is one of the worst things that could happen to this country in terms of politics. He would ruin the military. I don't know how deeply most foreigners hate Americans, but if any of them see us as weak and they really hate us, they might just seize the opputunity. And if they do, while it would be horrible, it would serve John Kerry right to be forever known as the man who left America vulnerable to attack. Even when we're as powerful as we are now and were a few years ago, a mere terrorist organization was daring enough to strike a blow at us. And I don't mean to say that Al queda (I spelled that wrong) is weak. It's just that even without any major backing by any country more powerful then Afghanistan, they still struck out at us. John Kerry would ruin this country and it's about time all the morons out there realized it. YOU HEAR THAT LIBERALS? YOUR CANIDATE SUCKS!
Again, thanks for writing.
3/21/2004 c27 57tofujunky
"I know I’ve attacked almost every Democrat and liberal on this site in the hopes to show how ridiculous your ideology and thought process truly is."

Ok, show of hands please. How many of you out there have changed their minds as a direct result of Steven's persuasive assualts?

"No, this essay is more of an appeal—an appeal for you to truly see the man you’ve selected as your party leader into the coming election."

Darn it. I was hoping this would be an essay on the cretin we'd selected as the president of this country. Shucks.

"the final bill dealt with grants given to women who own small business."

I like him already.

"That means under 5% of the bills he sponsored made it into law."

I don't see how that's a bad thing. It just means that he's not responsible for all the stupid laws out there.

"These things aren’t as important as what’s recently come to light."

You're correct about that. No WMDs. No job creations. No surplus in sight. No gas price relief. No end to the "War on Terror." No rights for gays. No health care for millions. No-show in Alabama.

"I know you don’t like George W. Bush"

You do get it.

"I know you think John Ashcroft is going to knock down your door with storm troopers because you checked out The Joy of Cooking from your local library"

I'm more afraid about him knocking down every doctor's door, and going through women's medical records.

"Can you even trust John Kerry?"

Can you trust any politician?

"We all know John Kerry is now totally against the war in Iraq."

Some of my friends who supported the war in Iraq is now saying that maybe that it wasn't such a good move. When all things are laid out much clearer, there's a chance that people will reconsider their position. Which reminds me . . . have you heard about Howard Stern lately? He was one of the die-hard supporter of the attack on Iraq. But mostly recently, he expressed that he no longer feels the same way. And now he's being pulled off the air in some areas for reasons of "indecency." Howard Stern, indecent? No? Really? But why now?

"You complain about not trusting Bush? How about this guy?

I see. Basically, Bush and Kerry are dumb asswipes - but Bush doesn't want to admit that, and Kerry is trying hard to deny it. They both can't say anything positive about themselves, so what they're doing is "out-bash" each other. The world of politics, everybody. Isn't it beautiful?

"But I’m sure there are skeptics out there."

Let's hope so. Nowadays, people rely too heavily on given information - and not there own eyes, ears, and hearts.

"Democrats, I know that you don’t want to vote for Bush, but please, for the sake of the children"

Who's children? Fuck Jenna and Barbara.

"Yes, you dread four more years of George W. Bush—but my God, could imagine four under Kerry?"

Here's the thing; you can't stop me from voting for Kerry even if you put a gun to my head. Why? Becuase it's all about getting Bush to pack his boots. A vote for Kerry is a vote against that half-wit we call the president (or to some people, Dick Cheney's bitch). You're right, I can't imagine four years under Kerry - but I can clearly see what it would be like to stick with Bush. (It hurts me just thinking about it.)

Anyways, this should make for a fun, active election year. May the guy with the most votes win.
3/21/2004 c2 34Forest Passant
Now, I wouldn't even be reading this extraordinarily boring piece of shit except that I try to review back, so... Also, I'm not a Democrat. I'm an anarchist. *smiles sweetly*
I think you missed the point in chapter 1. I don't think what Bush did was illegal under United States law, persay, but there was an international treatise in place that stated that the signing nations were not to attack other nations preemptively. As for Hussein's ties to terrorists, I agree they were there, but that Saudi Arabia has far greater ties. After all, ALL THE TERRORISTS WERE SAUDI! After reading your second essay, I wasn't convinced of anything.
This could be because you're not persuasive at all. The fact that the spacing of your paragraphs is inconsistent really detracts. Not that there was anything to detract FROM; your essay consists mostly of irrelevant facts linked together by inadequate transitions. If I wanna read boring facts, I'll pick up a history book. Perhaps you could use more persuasive language and argue your point instead of just bombarding readers with information.
Not that information is bad, or anything. It just gets bland when you don't... spice it up a little.
Also, I know that anarchy wouldn't work. So don't even bother saying that.
3/21/2004 c27 my 2 centavos
Its been a while since we had such a debate here in the Essay section of the site. I will be watching even though this ain't my country's politics. US politics is at least serious. Philippine politics is like watching a comedy movie.
Good luck to both Steven and Chronic Asshole.
3/20/2004 c27 Le Creature
I feel the need to bathe in beer. No, but anyway, this would be better if you had more stuff that was not quotations. Oh, and fp ate your link.
3/20/2004 c1 Curtis
John Kerry reminds me of a dog I once, stupid as hell and not even lovable.

Cant wait to see Chronic Asshole's essay.

3/20/2004 c27 Mbwun
Well, I'm sure he means "sons of bitches" in a good way.

And chronic asshole, I'm giddy with excitement for your first essay.

~He Who Walks On All Fours
3/17/2004 c1 chronic asshole
i chronic asshole do solemly swear on the holy bible that i will cease multiple flames and cease all my "fun" (and it was) on fictionpress forevermore should you in your words provide a successful defense to your arguement, amen. so deal. be watching for my defense of kerry next week. If i have to say defense of john kerry again i swear i'm gonna throw up. so best luck my honarable opponent.
-chronic asshole
3/17/2004 c1 Steven Lawrence
Deal. And you need to promise, if I can provide a successful defense to your arguement, to cease with all your "fun", or at least be a little more creative, if anything. And definitely stop with the multiple flames. Agree to that, and we're good to go.
3/17/2004 c1 1chronic asshole
this is just to show i fulfilled my end. i registered and soon i'll post my essay the defense of john kerry (i really hate saying that) i added you to my favorites list so i can get to your stuff quicker
3/17/2004 c26 chronic asshole
defend john kerry eh.? I don't like the man but i'll see what i can do. i'll defend john kerry. i will post my defense of john kerry on this site on my own fictionpress acount next week. just look for my name by an essay title. I'm certain you can remember it. What am i attempting to acheive. a little fun of course, and i'll enjoy the fact that i beat you. So here it is. i'll post the defense of john kerry (getting tired of saying that) and you reply anyway you feel like, but if you don't reply i win. how about that. Don't worry i can have maturity. Deal?
3/17/2004 c26 Steven Lawrence
I've posted 26 chapters...you pick the topic out of those...I'm not going to write a new essay just for the sake of it...if you agree with alot of the things I write, then go flame/challenge debate to someone who doesnt-hell, see if you can one up me in the world of taking on the liberals. I fail to see what you're attempting to achieve, but, since you would like a deabte-try defending John Kerry for starters. That'll keep you going.

And I mean flaming all the people-one or two is fine, people just let them sit there, but those fifty or so you leave are borderline harassment and bothersome. You want to debate with me and anyone else, fine, cool-I'm all for it. But some maturity from you is going to be neccessary, ok?

3/17/2004 c1 chronic asshole
your a tough one. just give a few days to prepare. I have to create a disposable email address so no one tracks me. You see i know how smart you are so i must be careful. at least i'll be able to enjoy all the hate mail from previous victims of the great professional flammer. One other thing we agree on many things so you pick the topic and post an essay first so i can debate the oppisite, after all i consider myself to be a master of debating so i can debate something i disagree with and still make a good debate. i'll be ready next week. one question do you mean no more flamming you or no more flaming to anyone. please reply in the from of a review on this essay. i used the word please, strange it feels odd to type the word please. interesting. see ya S.L.
Chronic Asshole
3/16/2004 c20 8S. T. Lawrence
And Chronic Asshole, when you post, make sure it's in a new essay...I want EVERYONE to see it...so I guess you're going to need to register...and post an essay.

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