Just In
for And I Will Cry

9/20/2003 c1 196Damaged
0.0 I am stunned! This is so beautiful! Keep up this awesome talent!
9/8/2003 c1 70insert name here
wow...im speachless...just like wow, i would pick a few lines that i really liked, but i'd have to copy the whole poem, its so full of emotion and imagry and everything...all i can say is just like wow, words cannot describe

9/5/2003 c1 117Seras Nova
A very powerful and moving piece.


9/3/2003 c1 132Sarah Parker
Wow, this is a very powerful piece... I love it, considering it's exactly how I've been feeling this entire week, when I go through every day fine and still end up crying myself to sleep.. and it's not like it's been just this past week. Try the past 5 or 6 years, and it's beginning to get frustrating not knowing the reason why... which is exactly what you portrayed in this poem, or what I took from it anyway.. there's never a true reason that you can think of, it just happens and you can't stop it and it always hurts like hell. The only constructive criticism might be that you might try writing it as a prose instead of a poem, see how it flows and which works better. *shrug* Just because it is so long, it might work better as a prose. I still love it the way it is though. Absolutely amazing and beautiful job on this poem.
9/3/2003 c1 8bookworm17
I just wanted to say that your poem was well-written. There's one line I can identify with "I find myself that small little curly haired girl still afraid of the boogie man and the monsters under the bed." I've had that feeling before! And I have curly hair still! lol. But, on a serious note, it's good stuff. Keep on writing. ;)

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