Just In
for The Morbid Ballad

10/29/2004 c1 26firehair-222
this is awesome. the vivid descriptions make me see it all so clearly. great job
8/2/2004 c1 1Dahlia Moore
Wow, that was a great poem..makes me want to start playing piano again..lol. Anyways, thanks for reviewing my poem.
11/27/2003 c1 57teh tarik
Terrific! I could imagune the whole scene very clearly, and the audience listening, enraptured at her music, just like how you enraptured me with this poem.
11/12/2003 c1 5Azureye

First off, I want to let you know you are EXCELLENT at capturing the mood, the feeling of playing a piano, in this poem. I'm a pianist myself, and I could feel it... the crescendo, swaying to the rythym...

But the last line... change it. I love everything in the poem except this last line. "Where artistic features can be pretty mortifying." Take ou the "pretty" and maybe find a new word or a new way to phrase it.

But, otherwise, I absolutely loved this poem. Keep writing :)
11/5/2003 c1 99Myra Kilgore
I love this...I'm speechless...man I wish I had your talent...you are great...keep writing!-KS
9/19/2003 c1 127godawful teen-angst poetry
OOh-I lke it. And you're right, it isn't what you usually write. The formatting caught my attention right away, I haven't really seen that used before. Great job, per usual!

9/13/2003 c1 25OracleVIII
I liked it. A bit dark.
9/8/2003 c1 8glitterjewele
oh my goodness, this was fantastic. first off, it completely disoriented me format-wise, which just served to pique my curiosity. and then the piece itself was incredibly well-written - excellent use of language, amazing rhythm. at first i didn't realize you were talking about the twin towers, either, so when the end came it hit me really hard and i was kinda stupified just sitting here in this weird sort of daze. my favorite lines from this were, "one wintry night in mid september," "her long slender fingers danced deftly," and "where artistic features can be pretty mortifying." absolutely *stunning* poem, i love it.
9/8/2003 c1 5Apathy off a Cliff
Wow thats really great. Im gonna read more!
9/7/2003 c1 267Lady B.V Rose
^_^ this is cool as always! ^_^ I love the fifth stanza especially! ^_^

- Nicole
9/6/2003 c1 612simpleplan13
sadness but an excellent poem.. thanks for the review
9/6/2003 c1 36obsidian katana
great poem! tragic and depressing, but well written. i like it. good job! keep on writing!
9/6/2003 c1 76CoolBeans18s
Wow! This was haunting, dramatic, mysterious...Brilliant! This is very well written!

~ CoolBeans18s
9/6/2003 c1 1Jimmy Jazz
WOW! Depressing, yeah... and that's wonderful!

It was so mysteriously haunting, I loved every bit of it, fantastic work!
9/5/2003 c1 28soulspring
very well-written... it was quite a captivating piece. such a mysterious feel to it that pulls you in.
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