10/14/2003 c1
20Mei-Mei the SciFi Junkie
That's a really sweet simile with great imagery. I can't decide whether you're saying that you're glad you helped your friends or regretful that you've been "used." I also like the way "head" and "thread" rhyme but nothing else does. *A short but sweet poem* ^_^

That's a really sweet simile with great imagery. I can't decide whether you're saying that you're glad you helped your friends or regretful that you've been "used." I also like the way "head" and "thread" rhyme but nothing else does. *A short but sweet poem* ^_^
9/27/2003 c1
127godawful teen-angst poetry
Oh! Now *this* is good. Love, love, love the symbolism. "My soul is like a pillowcase"...now there's something you don't hear every day.

Oh! Now *this* is good. Love, love, love the symbolism. "My soul is like a pillowcase"...now there's something you don't hear every day.