Just In
for Lotus

3/1/2005 c1 23HeadofVecna
I think you meant either "through drenches" or "though drenched." Seems like either works better. Anyway, nice crisp disinterested yet not uninterested evaluation. The question (or personification) is a clincher in the portrayal of beauty. It all works.
11/15/2003 c1 14Dirty Wallpaper
beautiful, utterly beautiful...the way you express so much in so few words is amazing, kudos!
11/14/2003 c1 eddie
IT made me blink a little
11/6/2003 c1 15lilacpaintedsky
wow... how did you all manage to capture the beauty of the lotus within 13! words?
10/19/2003 c1 24Eternity's Secret
Wow. This is great!
10/18/2003 c1 48Sun Chime
wow! Beautiful. I love the rythm and flow. It seems so perfect and pretty. Good work.
10/4/2003 c1 NeuroticGothicLolitaDeathDolly
XX um.. how do you get 20 + reviews for a poem less than 30 words? NOT FAIR!

lol uh... nevermind. getting carried away.

good poem though! =P

9/22/2003 c1 1Jimmy Jazz
Ah, excellent use and words and imagery...
9/20/2003 c1 100Keep it 100
Awesome. Great choice of words and imagery.

~Heart of the Sword
9/15/2003 c1 beck
beautiful images, great word-use-an all over ten out of ten.
9/14/2003 c1 17Winged One1
This blows me away and I don't even know why! I don't understand like half the words...okay so maybe only cerise, and deign confuses me even though I know what it means. Heh I'm weird...I like this!

~winged one~
9/13/2003 c1 25OracleVIII
Interesting and thought provoking. Nice.
9/11/2003 c1 267Lady B.V Rose
Its really soothing and peaceful but the last line gives it a sad hope, (That's not a bad thing, in fact its a brilliant thing). Perfect haikuetry (Is that a word? LOL) as always...I bow to your greatness (Or should I say curtsey? o.O;)

- Nicole
9/11/2003 c1 Carter Tachikawa-not logged in
Beautiful choices of words. Your syllables are right on the money. Excellent job, keep it up.

9/11/2003 c1 106cosmo-queen
Excellent choice of words. You created some beautiful imagery. Keep writing :)

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