Just In
for Drunk on Psychedelic Purple Passion and Orange Jui

5/16/2006 c1 2Kvladiko
PCP/LSD?I liked it, very intense.
9/2/2005 c1 103Unready
11/11/2004 c1 slightly-delusional
oh wow, that was good!
~Ruby Neko~
2/28/2004 c1 8Dragen Eyez
I like this.. i'm not quite sure -how- to say what i like..hmm... well.. i do like the drunken dreams a lot.. with phantoms of my mind... *smiles* good job, Laerli *hugz*
11/14/2003 c1 3FurballofEvilness
...really really creepy.

Especially the last line.

but very intriguing. very.
9/15/2003 c1 3an ebony mind
WOW! I am so never touching alcohol..I like the way you describe things. It made me see what you saw.

Thanks for your review :) I took your advice, and added another chapter, and now I'm back to shamelessly advertise..MWAHAHAHAHAHA ;)

I must say, your other story, a goblin king with freckles, looks rather good...hm
9/12/2003 c1 13Tropical-sandstorm
i could imagine that perfectly... i could actually see what was going on and the chaos and everything. creepy. (i'm it's me being creepy not you) whoa.
9/12/2003 c1 191Trinity Joselyn Carter
wierd... but good.. what is p. purple passion?

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