Just In
for Waltz of the Wasps

9/29/2003 c4 74Etheral
Great job. Normally I would say something productive. But I can't think of anything.

Update soon!

9/29/2003 c4 TruaMethist

Chantel is officially my fave character. She's bitchy. She's sarcastic. She totally rocks my socks. Only second to Terrence, haheh

I am predicting a romance between Kyle and Chantel. Am I right? Dont want to be moded, now do i? No!

"Kyle: It's like cow poop. Making this place a mess.

Chantel: Your figure of speech sucks.

Kyle: I'm just trying to be reasonable.

Chantel: It's nice that you tried, but you still suck."

Lol! Love you lotsy, Gotta go, and UPDATE because I want to see some Jake and Ann and other people action!
9/29/2003 c3 Catherine
^_^ Howdylo! This is a great story. Keep going, aightz?

- Chao,

9/28/2003 c3 2Strawberry shortcake1
hey peoples!what's with cliffhanger? To keep me sane, you had better upload you next chapter soon!


P.S. what hell? come on! I've been waiting for one whole half-a-minute here!
9/27/2003 c3 3jojopotatos
great story continue
9/27/2003 c3 4Misodity
Liking it so far. Hope to see more. I love her, though, she's a funny character. Heh, I kind of forgot her name... Crap, that's a bad thing. Oh! Renee. Alrighty. Got it. Yeah. I like her. She's a funny person, yup.
9/27/2003 c3 khaotiik
:) keeps getting better and better! very cute thing about the *pop*, btw, really cute. i liked this line in particular:

I wanted to continue my secret agent act by saying, "I'd tell you, sweets, but then I'd have to kill you," but I had the sense to (1) not tell a stranger how he tastes, and (2) keep my fantasies in check. "McFarland. Renee McFarland."

I smacked myself in the forehead. The boy stared. I muttered something about having to kill a tick on my face.

Great. He probably thought I had fleas or something.

9/27/2003 c3 Yuna
Hi Tammy!

You are a truely great writer, ya know that? I can't wait to see hat happens, and you know it!

- Yesterday's Yuna
9/27/2003 c3 Beautiful Tragedy site won't let me login
Aesome story! I love cliffies. I like the plot, it's really different and the summary's pretty good too.


9/26/2003 c3 5IwishMyNameWasZoe
arright! this story is great.. love the characters, since they're original. got to say my fav so far would have to be chantel. and i can't help disliking ann because she reminds me of a lot of some people at my school. haha! uhh.. not really any suggestions for you.. update soon please!
9/26/2003 c3 TruaMethist
A cliffhanger! You're so evil, lol. Lol, unibentocon. I like Renee's little side comments, it really adds to the story.

The guy she likes (or starts to like) is Jake, right? But did Renee and Daniel break up when she left, or does she still technically have a boyfriend?I hope Leos in future chapters, he's a good character, like Terrence, actually, except not as *hehe* you know.

How about Casey? Does anything happen between him and Renee? And how about Chantel and Kyle? Why are they fighting and stuff? ARGH, O MANY QUESTIONS!
9/26/2003 c2 TruaMethist
Wow, I'm loving this so far. I could totally grow onto Renee - I really, really like how Renee likes underground rock but isn't a 'rebel' like most people portray 'rockers'. So you go! :)

I also like how you're making Ann sort of bad, but not so bad that she's unrealistic - she doesn't have evil traits, but she has traits like being competative that make her SEEM evil.

I've never played foosball but it seems fun ...

Okay, enough of my long reviewing. On with your story, or off with your head! Lol.
9/25/2003 c3 2cbprice25
Yay! Another (more or less) birthday present. Good chapter, update soon!
9/25/2003 c2 4mint
great job as usual!

i lovee the personall tone.

update soon kaes?

9/25/2003 c2 2Strawberry shortcake1
um...who's the guy in your summary? uhh...that's about it...except Ann's a bitch, total bitch. But you overdue it, it'll annoy the reader too. But that's far off from now! Great story!

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