Just In
for Waltz of the Wasps

9/24/2003 c2 ficklechickle again
O, it keeps getting better. I liked the *evil* Avirl Lavigne comment, very funny!O! and I know what foosball is! It's really fun to play.
9/24/2003 c1 ficklechickle whose computer is not letting her sign in
This is a great start. Thanks for reviewing my story! I'm going to read the second chapter now.
9/24/2003 c2 3jojopotatos
great story continue
9/23/2003 c2 Yuna from AGB again

Yay, you updated! You rock. Ann is a fiesty little female dog, ehh? Lol, I have a feeling she's number 2 in your summary. Who's number 1? Kyle? Naw ... well, maybe. Hey, what song are those lyrics from? Is it called Silver Gullotine or is it something else? Anyways, I'll talk to you on AGB, girl!

- Yummy Yuna :p
9/23/2003 c2 khaotiik
omg - ann is a little biotch, isn't she? she totally deserves to die - or (lol) "get her face up in a blender"

btw, are those real lyrics for 'silver gullitine' or did you make them up? how about mustah? is that a real band?
9/17/2003 c1 29KaitieRae
Really good! I dig it a lot! It's humorous! More please!
9/16/2003 c1 quendiwyn
i'ts a good story but i think you rushed the last paragraph and you

couldv've exaplined more about the summer andd everything but otherwise

good job.
9/16/2003 c1 quendiwyn
i'ts a good story but i think you rushed the last paragraph and you couldv've exaplined more about the summer andd everything but otherwise good job.
9/16/2003 c1 It's Yuna from AGB
Hi Tammy! Thanks for giving me the link, this is a great story ... funny and well-written. The whole, "Stealing my man!" "Stealing your WHAT?" thing was very, very funny. Please continue, and I'll talk to you later, okay? Bye!
9/16/2003 c1 4mint
this is fantastic! i have an obsession with dance and dance schools etc too! write more! i'm going to come back for more! ^^
9/15/2003 c1 3jojopotatos
great job and funny continue
9/15/2003 c1 khaotiik
oh, didn't this story disappear for a while or something? anyway, i like the revised version even better than the old one, i hope you continue the story!
9/15/2003 c1 Jenna
Wow, that is a good start with lots of cute humor. Terrence is so cute. I know a few guys like that. Great job. I hope to see more.

If you want to email me when you update you can:
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