Just In
for Molly Smiles

1/6/2004 c29 2Night of the Raven
YOU HAVE GOT TO BE KIDDING ME! THERES NO WAY YOU CAN END IT RIGHT NOW! C'MON I WANNA KNOW WHAT'S WRONG WITH WILL! Did he hurt himself or...what? Do they get together? I mean C'MON you gotta have more!
1/6/2004 c28 40R. Blade
... still crying btw.. tons! especially after reading the song!
1/6/2004 c29 3Sorato4ever1
Please please please do an alternate ending. i know some authors hate those and although the ending was sort of...well...bittersweet, i beleive it was a bit sudden. I did however like the flashbacks. You writing has greatly improved throughout the whole story. Good job, and if you get inspiration please do an alternate.
1/6/2004 c27 40R. Blade
omg... crying!.. tears rolling down my cheeks... :*(...so sad! why?
1/6/2004 c26 R. Blade
hey.. great chapter. a bit of advice though... try inverting your sentences a little.. like leaving off the parts like 'Smiling a little when she finally reached her house' and 'Closing the door behind her'.. especially if you put them right after each other. besides that.. the story is going great! im on my way to the next chapter. sorry if i sounded harsh... didnt mean to. :/ keep writing!
1/6/2004 c29 conditionoakland
Wow...I never thought it'd end this way...it was unexcepted, I mean, I suspected William would try something but I never thought it would go through. If I were molly I believe I would be traumatized because in some way I 've felt it was my fault, and in some way it is. Great story. It was a pleasure reading it.
1/6/2004 c26 DarkAngelFallen
Heya! Grr! I hate cliffhangers especially like this one! But, I luv this story so I'll keep reviewing! Get the next chap up as soon as possible! u have me in suspense! ~
-A N G E L
1/6/2004 c26 Natalie
This story is really GREAT! I love it. But it's so sad. And that was totally a cliffhanger. I hope Will didn't do anything. He can't die! Anyway, great story, please update soon.
1/6/2004 c26 Shadeofwhite
You really should update more often, or at least make the chapters longer. The lack of reading material is making me lose my interest, and this story is great!
1/6/2004 c26 16anti-you
thank god you wrote.. i thought i was going to die!
1/6/2004 c26 Write Me Thrilled
goddammit! you aren't supposed to leave it like that. you must post son please please! i love it and if you don't something will seriously happen! jk but seriosly post post post
1/6/2004 c26 1Vincenza
great chapter. I'm dying to know what happens next. Please DO NOT have Will die.
1/6/2004 c26 2Dreams of the Dragons
Hey, this is a really good story. But you can't end the chapters in cliffhangers! It's not fair to the readers, you evil mean author. Jk. Anyways, keep up the amazing work. ^^;; TTYL.
Love In Christ,
~* Unavoidable Darkness *~
1/6/2004 c26 4light beam
hey its jules2206 on a friends computer hee hee who is on the fone? I love this chapter! Will sounds like he has totally messed up over her going away poor thing... anyway please update soon, and ill promise to review on my OWN computer next ime BUBBA!
1/6/2004 c26 acccountkiller
WHAT? Just...'Hello?' goddamnit! NO MORE CLIFFHANGERS! Please...I WANNA KNOW WHATS HAPPENING! OK..cliffhanger but only if u post the next chappie tomorrow...promise! Lol, I love this...I WANNA KNOW WHATS GOING ON!okies..stopping now...great stuff, Love, MIa
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