Just In
for Molly Smiles

12/1/2003 c22 3Talimkun
i liked it but i'm missin all the molly and will action, update soon!
12/1/2003 c22 TK
wow! this is such a good story! UPDATE! NOW! argh update update update! must read! and if you abondon this story i will hunt you down!
12/1/2003 c22 2Hearts Goddess
Love the chapter. Kind of sad though. Update soon!
12/1/2003 c22 Julie
i liked this chapter but u got something wrong in it, there is no air port in manhattan, new york the airports that are in new york is JFK and Laguardia.
12/1/2003 c21 2Dreams of the Dragons
Hey. This story is the greatest. I just have one thing to point out to you-it's been bugging me for a while now. People do not set. They sit. Objects set. I'm sorry, that's just the way it is. ^^;; Great story. Oh, and isle should actually be aisle. Isle is like island. Heh. Sorry. Those are the only two things that are...well, bad-if you could call them that.
Anyways. Keep up the good work. TTYL.
Love in Christ,
~* IcyShadow *~
12/1/2003 c22 16anti-you
molly doesn't have a job? how does she get the monkey for rent and junk like that? you should clarify this
12/1/2003 c21 anti-you
it was cool how you added Bert; he's a nice addition
12/1/2003 c22 shadydeal
i luv you so much but uv left me hanging agin!hurry up and write some more!
12/1/2003 c22 you do not suck so bad
good chap. can you please mention will in the next chap? and can you make the chapter longer?
12/1/2003 c22 58slowlydancingtothestars
I can't wait to see his reactshon!
12/1/2003 c22 6Tragedy is Love
ugh! no, no no! actually, i, don't call me heartless, but what you did was pretty good. a bit of angst and all is good otherwise the story would be just too boring. thankfully, your story is anything but that! love it! i thank thee for updating 4, four, quatre, si, four chapters!
11/30/2003 c22 2Night of the Raven
love the story write more soon.
11/30/2003 c21 40R. Blade
::cries:: i need more!::sniff sniff::
11/30/2003 c20 R. Blade
11/30/2003 c19 R. Blade
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