Just In
for Molly Smiles

11/30/2003 c18 40R. Blade
aww! 'twas good!
11/30/2003 c17 R. Blade
::speeds to the next chapter:: i know whats gonna happen!
11/30/2003 c16 R. Blade
11/30/2003 c15 R. Blade
hehe.. he...h...e... blood...
11/30/2003 c14 R. Blade
aww.. so sad. my parents r like that. except.. im the one who they call 'satan'...
11/30/2003 c13 R. Blade
o... chills!
11/30/2003 c12 R. Blade
yay! unlicensed piercings... always fun.
11/30/2003 c11 R. Blade
yay! they're alone! o.. cant wait to c what happens.
11/30/2003 c10 R. Blade
aw... i feel so bad for both of them. it must suck feeling like shes the reason her bro is dead. =(
11/30/2003 c9 R. Blade
aww... poor molly
11/30/2003 c21 5loves him
11/30/2003 c21 8Icefire2
Darn it! Right when those two start to pull things together. I hope they pull it back together and Molly stands up to her parents.
Like your Bert character.
11/30/2003 c21 Julie
this chapter was so cute with Bert and everything, well write more soon
11/30/2003 c21 Kiya Mikayla Kideackiy
Would ove to see more soon, this story is absolutley great, very true to real life, i gotta love it and hate it just as i do real life. hope to see u right more. Ciao, Kiya Mikayla Kideackiy
11/30/2003 c21 17heart of oak
Oi! WHO! Props to Kentucky! I live there, in Johnson County to be exact...thanks for including my home state!
I'm loving the story and I can't wait to see what will happen next! Keep writing!
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