Just In
for Molly Smiles

11/24/2003 c15 2Hearts Goddess
Wow a lot happened. Will tried to kill himself and might die. I really hope he doesn't. And her parents saw her. Update soon.
11/24/2003 c14 2Night of the Raven
love the story. write more soon.
11/24/2003 c14 Cleao
Continue this is so GOOD! that is y ur going 2 continue NOW!ttfn :D
11/24/2003 c1 16Elizabeth Gibbs
Please keep adding to this story. I can't wait to see where it goes.
11/24/2003 c14 you do not suck so bad
keep that brain and those fingers working and write the next chap! can you please make this story kinda long? because i really like this story and molly smiles is one of the few i read because of the fact i am so picky.
11/24/2003 c14 6Tragedy is Love
^_^ kawaii! you need to explain the whole soon though coz i'm sorta messed up about chad and death and sons and you have it!
11/24/2003 c12 2Lady Sunlight
Fucking hilarious! BTW Will sounds really sexy.
11/24/2003 c8 Lady Sunlight
I prefer not to call it self-mutilation but accidents.
11/24/2003 c14 Lady Sunlight
If I was Will I would have murdered Molly's parents within seconds of meeting them the fucking pricks.
11/23/2003 c3 Lady Sunlight
Mudvayne, coal chamber and manson pop? God that woman is stupid!
11/23/2003 c14 3gclover
Yay! She's with Will! this is a great story, i absolutely love it. You describe your characters really well, but at the same time you don't give us an information overload. keep up the fantastic work.

ps- i just love the name Will, don't you?
11/23/2003 c14 acccountkiller
Hey! Hiya! Hello! Sry..hapy today! Two nu chapters! YAY! Oh...dear...love the way you portrayed her parents...ugh...BASTARDS! I know parents like those tho *shivers*...not mine but damn...having to protect ur friend from her parents is NOT easy...gr...sry..disturbing memories, lol. I loved her reaction to his kiss (firstly that was QT)...that was nice, lol. anywho update soon! Love, Mia
11/23/2003 c13 Carina
Dun dun dun! Man I love this story. Hope you post another chapter soon.
11/23/2003 c1 16anti-you
wow... post the next chapter real soon! i cant wait to find out whats gonna happen next!
11/23/2003 c13 callie
Wow, that story is excellent. You know how to keep the suspence. I love this story, i have gotten almost all of my friends to read this story...so keep it up. We cant wait to read the other chapters.
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