Just In
for Molly Smiles

9/19/2003 c5 dakari
aw ir eally like this story !theyre really different yet u can sorta tell that theyre alot alike ! i cant wait to see the evelopment of thsi story update as soon as u can
9/19/2003 c5 acccountkiller
aw, i really loved this, its so good, please write more soon, its brilliant, very good, i loved it. love and good luck, Twilight

9/18/2003 c5 4i-like-music
lovely chapter:) I liked how he stood up for her. more?
9/18/2003 c4 i-like-music
I've actually never seen anything like that. Which causes me to like it even more:)

please continue
9/18/2003 c4 acccountkiller
hey,u gotta update soon i love this. oh and make longer chapters or post more faster PLEASE i love this so much. lol, love and good luyck and hurry up with the story. Twilight
9/18/2003 c3 acccountkiller
hey, i really like this, cool start, i've got a thing for goths, one of my friends tends to act like that, especially the happy now? thing, lol loved it. is that pop? omg, yea sure grl. manson gives em nightmares, ugh. no offense. lol, gtg read the rest, bye really liked it.
9/18/2003 c4 6Tragedy is Love
hey, this is going cool. i would presume that they fall in love and you need to go over some of the grammar in the chapters but great story!
9/18/2003 c4 24beve
cool!but u have to explain,what makes the guy so cool?if he's easily annoyed,how come he doesnt mind giving in so easily?

anyway,its good.

normally,i wont review but hell mean,ur one of those ppl of whom i actually bother to read it there and then on the net instead of printing it out then forgetting.sorry u other guys!

9/17/2003 c4 11LiteAMatch4IDeserveToBurn
cool story. i like how persistent molly is. she's not gonna let him just blow her off, is she?
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