Just In
for Molly Smiles

6/17/2006 c18 101Shadow of the Black Wolf
OH MY! They did the..wicked dance. haha
6/17/2006 c16 Shadow of the Black Wolf
o! I almost cried on this one. Guess I'm not as emotional as I thought but I was close to tears! I'm glad William's alive though! woo!
6/17/2006 c13 Shadow of the Black Wolf
dun dun dun! lol sorry just had to do that.
6/17/2006 c12 Shadow of the Black Wolf
hahaha I liked this chapter. It was funny. Did Will's store happen to be Hot Topic? If u mentioned that in the chapter earlier, I forgot. woops :P Hot Topic is awesome though and I really like this story A LOT!
6/17/2006 c3 Shadow of the Black Wolf
lmao! The ending was so funny! haha My friend listens to Mudvayne and I'm going to soon whenever I download some :P
6/2/2006 c29 1Cara Deanna
it was good and sad. i liked this story. i'm happy you ddin't end this all happy. i hate when authors have a really really good story and then end it all happy compleatly opposit.
4/4/2006 c28 Rouge Summers
Wow, I loved this story. It was so moving, and dark.
3/24/2006 c29 Alenor
oh no, he shouldn't have killed himself. he should have gone into the hospital again and gotten better. and then he shoulda found out that she was pregnant and promised that he really wouldn't kill himself. ahh well, i guess i just like happy endings. although, the way you ended it was good i just prefer happy thoughts. cya later ~ Alenor.
3/13/2006 c1 28HeartbreakersHorizon
very good. keep up the good work.
3/5/2006 c29 9SolisLuna
Umm, right now i'm kinda crying. your story was the saddest one i've ever read. It was a great read though, and i kinda like it's ending. i'm kinda sorry that william had to die but...yeah. Thanx for a great read.

2/24/2006 c29 2herscenichistoryx
*sniffle*wha-, how-, WHY?*sobbing uncontrobbly*WILL!(or dante)COME BACK!sorry...im back...PLZ MAKE A SEQUAL OR SOMTHING!this is so goin on my Fav. list!make another one like this if not a freakin sequal!
2/9/2006 c11 7Juniper Nights
me like!
1/19/2006 c29 bleddingblakrose
OMG! that's so sad. very romeo and juliet. is there going to be a sequal? about what she does with the baby and if she ever falls in love again? this was so good. i absolutely loved the story. i can see where my friend would cry.
1/10/2006 c29 Pink skyy
*cries* Whyed he have to DIE?Poor molly,*sniffles* but i still liked it.
1/9/2006 c28 1Dirty Secret
OMG! *Sniff* That was so *double sniff* sad. But...it's gonna go on my favorites anyway. It's a fabulous story...though the ending was *sniff* sad.
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