Just In
for With You

4/17/2004 c10 53Artemis Astralstar
have i reviewed this? whoops. oh well, here's another set, perhaps of completely different reviews. i'm like that.
I'm... I'm... APOSTROPHE
I have lyrics for this...
# Who do you need, who do you love, when you come undone? #
# i'm tired of being what you want me to be #
# is it something real, Or the magic I'm feeding Off your fingers? #
I like this one, the confusion of the character is eminating off in waves towards me. I can see the story so clearly! great conclusion to a good series
4/17/2004 c9 Artemis Astralstar
ah go on, email me the proof, this i have to see! (@,~)
I have lyrics! # why don't you do what you do when you did what you did to me? #
Love this one, i can seriously relate.
4/17/2004 c8 Artemis Astralstar
untouchable one word, but once again, i see the woman in this. I can't think of any lyrics review with, but i'm sure as i press submit i will.
4/17/2004 c7 Artemis Astralstar
#first i ran to you, now i run from you, this tainted love of ours...#
Nice work, i see the story here.
4/17/2004 c5 Artemis Astralstar
unfathomable is one word. I'm... *holds large banner for the abandoned symbol= ' *
sorry, i'm slightly picky about that. sleeping beauty... sweet, an end to empathy, and beginning to servitude. Love the images i got from this.
4/17/2004 c4 Artemis Astralstar
apart from that... i love the imagery in this piece, very pretty.
4/17/2004 c3 Artemis Astralstar
*irritating grammar correction* mind's, I'm
4/17/2004 c2 Artemis Astralstar
once again, im instead of i'm, but *melts under moon, as usual* nice poem, i'm not familiar with the structure, although i can see that there is one used. I prefer this to the first one.
4/17/2004 c1 Artemis Astralstar
now, after you searching so hard to find things you haven't reviewed of mine, how could i not do the same?
I think this eluded me due to the series-ness, not so fond of those, excluding one or two.
~ but to the review~
disarming is one word, but ignoring that, love the last line. Eyes and oceans.. used so often, yet magnificient when done well. I like the poem; enjambment an interesting choice, as i would have chosen punctuation. Not one of my favourites of yours, really, but i can see that there is heart behind it.
12/25/2003 c6 54Werecat99
That was a bit creepy, but after my own heart. I like love poems that are of a different shade or rosy pink.
Love is a lot about suffering as well and you have done an excellent job in showing this.
12/25/2003 c5 Werecat99
I liked that. More tender that the others and perhaps less intence, but heartwarming anyway.
Loved it.
Kitty poems updated, if you want to catch up.
12/24/2003 c4 Werecat99
*A miracle weaved by absent gods*. This line is so unique, so powerful that I'm green with envy.
Amazing. Simply amazing.
12/24/2003 c3 Werecat99
Another little jewel. The second lind, about the distraction, was simply stunning.
Thanks for the reviews.
12/22/2003 c10 8glitterjewele
*wild applause through happy (though slightly bittersweet) sniffles* o chica, your poetry works wonders. i'm reborn again every time i read one of your poems. i have to say, this chapter was SO incredible . . . yes, better than all its incredible predecessors, even. just the tone whispering through it . . . it was like being allowed to witness the secret of true soulmates in their immortal forms - pale and misty blue and soft and quiet, but somehow so strong. ending it with 'with you' was genius, it gave me a chill. and such extraordinary, amazing lines! these parts really melted me:

to see in your eyes, the reflection of awe
when you look upon my face of mediocre beauty

to glimpse again your heart on my soul's jaded shelf

*sighs wistfully* 'tis love in its purest, most beautiful form. so, so lovely, and so tragic that it's over! *sob*sniffle*sob* infinite kudos on another phenomenally successful collection, do start another one soon! ! ! and happy holidays to you too! ;)
12/22/2003 c10 acccountkiller
*sob**wail* this is so good! Really..very touching, I love it!
To glimpse again your heart on my souls jaded shelf
Is enough to resuscitate the most shattered of moments
The most burdened of hearts
For the stars are never to far away
To drown in their enduring wonder
To be born again
When Im
With you
That is so touching...so deep...makes me wanna cry...gorgeous! Write more I beg you! Love, Mia
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