Just In
for Bitter Ice

12/10/2004 c1 21Tyler Conners
more please
12/2/2004 c1 Flyer101
Really good! Really real! Theres a load of passion in this piece- im impressed. It made me cry...
2/26/2004 c1 9arc arsenal
this is my life, change the gender. this was great. i can never quite pen it right, but this is it. without the cutting though. no guts. but thats just another reason to feel the way i do. its all there, getting it all down in less than a thousand words, brilliant. the messages all come through very very well. the feeling is palpable, brilliant. excallent, all the other good adjectives i can think of. o its getting late, im being ordered off the computer
1/7/2004 c1 11Burning For Revenge
I just love this one so much. its my fav! Keep on writing, u have such a talent. Well done. Oh by the way. My 7th chapter is up now, so if u care to have a read...go rite ahead. LOL. Keep writing.
Burning For Revenge
11/20/2003 c1 6koijewel
Very good. The line of making him your world is very perceptive. It causes one to realize the angst and pain you face. Then the cutting... very powerful.
10/15/2003 c1 30Ruana
wo. its a little confusing but you could break it up with paragraphs and lines spaces and stuff and that would soon solve that but... its good i wanna know what happens... write more
10/12/2003 c1 18Last-Chael
Winter is my favourite season, it matches my mood so well. For me, it is our hot Aussie summer that gets me down, which is why I'm hoping to move to England.

You show the feelings and emotions that Claudia is feeling so well. Its very realistic. I relate to this all too well...
9/20/2003 c1 9CocoBeans
9/20/2003 c1 Danaerys
Boy, this brought back memories of my own high school days, well done! Although the ending was very sad... I would like to read a sequel where she learns to be strong in spite of her pain... Very realistic, keep writing! :)

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