Just In
for My Only Hope

10/1/2003 c1 196Damaged
How beautiful! I absolutely LOVE this! Keep writing!
9/24/2003 c1 Angele Raye
This is very nice as well. Some people have a thing for stars... do we not? I love looking at the stars. That is perhaps why I marvel at this piece. I was so very in tune with what you were saying, but then somehow the format of the piece jumped out at me because it began to rhyme once again. It pulled slightly from your message, in my opinion. I really have enjoyed your gazes amongst the stars. I have been inspired to star gaze tonight.

Angele Raye*
9/23/2003 c1 132Sarah Parker

I love the way you started out the poem with the classic wishing phrase... I always wish on stars... it has yet to come true... but I keep wishing, guess cause like you said in the poem - the star is the only hope..

beautiful piece.

"Searching for love in all the wrong places,

Longing for love from all the wrong faces."

I love those two lines especially.

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