Just In
for Yes, Virginia, George Bush IS the President!

3/21/2006 c1 76EvilFireWitch
I am SO GLAD that you posted this. SO glad. It's about flippin' time that someone showed them! Whether or not they admit it or not, at least it's there now. Thank you.

I loved the comic book line. I'm going to show this essay to my dad. He'll love it. :)
1/23/2006 c1 54Andrew Joshua Talon
And yet, some people can't get it in their heads the simple logic. The unstoppable force meets the unmoveable object...
11/29/2005 c2 bush still sucks
may i be one of the many to say "FUCK BUSH" i really don't give a damn that he won, that doesn't change the fact he's an asshole in MY opinion... it also doesn't change the fact i don't see him as MY president... in my heart i belive the people made a mistake in electing him, and they're paying for that mistake by having him as a president... i respect your opinion, just don't slit someone's review into itty bitty pieces because they don't see eye to eye with you, even if the reveiwer did spew crap and didn't make any sense here... i side with all the bush haters, and please, actually LISTEN to what he says throgh our ears, and all you'll hear is a shitload of lies and selfishness...

MY OPINION, babe, don't knock it till you've walked a mile in my shoes
9/12/2005 c1 1mothling
I don't really give a damn that he won. No shit, he's the president, and complaining isn't going to right /that/ wrong. But, it's not the fact that he's a beady-eyed sneak that pisses me off, because most policians, from whichever party, are encased in a dome I call the dome of the rich. They have no effing clue of what it's like to be poor, or even the average American, or to live pay check to pay check. And Bush is about as intelligent as some of the special education students in my school.

While you make this redundant point obvious-he won the election, the tone of this (snotty and 'get over it') isn't the way to persuade people to agree with you. It immediately puts people on the offensive. More of a rant than an essay.
8/22/2005 c1 chitoryu12
While I know that it's for the wrong election, I just have to say it

8/11/2005 c2 Admiral
On Mercury: "(kicking ass today, thank you very much)"

OM, I last updated this essay two years ago. I wouldn't call taking two years to come up with a snappy response "kicking ass".
8/11/2005 c1 S.T. Lawrence
On Mercury:

"UN is consistently fighting poverty in many parts of the world, with grants etc."

And how well have they succeeded?

"Saddam has not had any major nuclear, chemical or biological weapons since 1995,"

1997..not 1995.

8/1/2005 c1 5On Mercury

Tony Blair is disliked by around 65% of the country or more (I don't have the statistics with me right now). If you're looking for a reason ol' Tone won, look at the opposition, the Tories, in my country. The Tories were led by a creepy vampire called Michael Howard that just scared the shit out of most voters. We didn't want to be staring at his ugly mug for another few years, so everyone had to vote for Tony. And a side note? The Democrats are the option for liberals/lefties in your country: Labour (Tony's party, Steiny. I know you don't read past the national news very often) IS the Dems in this country, apart from they suddenly have disappeared and morphed into the Tories in disguise with a little more backbone.

What am I saying? Backbone from Tony? The only reason Tony took us to war was because Bush yelled HEEL across the Atlantic and off Tone skipped.

To put this into a little more perspective:

Labour- Started warTories- Supported warTories- Privatised public trans.Labour- No plans to change thatLabour- We can stamp out hospital bugsTories- We can stamp out hospital bugsLabour- Immigration is out of controlTories- Immigration is out of control

And so on and so forth. The Liberal Democrats, a party that used to be in the middle, is now considered the hippy choice, much like your Green party, and will never be re-elected in the minds of the public, much like your Green party.


Some dude: Hi. Nice to meet you.

"There are plentty of other cases where the UN has done little to prevent these things, I'll bet the UN put more time and effort into Making Bush look bad than they have into solveing problens in Burma or whatever it's name is this week."

'Whatever it's name is this week'? Um, exqueese me? The UN is consistently fighting poverty in many parts of the world, with grants etc. But I am sure you already knew that and was just being ridiculous. And I'm sure the UN thought that the murder of tens of thousands of Iraqis was a pretty serious matter, worth concentrating on deaths they had a chance of preventing, no?

"Actually we have found a mobile laberatory used in the making of biological agents. And the fac that we haven't found more isn't very surprising considering Iraqs size, the fact that evry major city has networks of hundred year old tunnels, and the advanced warning that Saddom had to movev or hide laberatorys."

I'd appreciate it if you could spell.

Saddam has not had any major nuclear, chemical or biological weapons since 1995, which was the last time that the UN asked him to disarm. Where'd I get that? Hans Blix. Saddam's son defected to Jordan that year and was questioned about it. He was happy to answer the questions, and said that no, his father had disarmed.

And anyway, we cannot go into other countries, blow the shit out of hundreds of thousands of its people and then condemn them for doing the same! We're just as bad for doing so, don't you think? You can't maintain that you are a good example of democracy and justice when you won't let weapons inspectors do their jobs and then bomb Iraq when the UN are still there.

I'm sorry, I just believe that if you're going to be preaching, you should at least set a good example.

I also think this is a bit scary:

"We will not continue to tolerate the persecution of the minority, the killing of the many and their forcible removal under the most cruel conditions. I should despair of a ny honourable future for my own people if we were not , in one way or another, to solve this question"

"He has led a reign of terror. He has hurled countless people into the profoundest misery. Through his terrorism he has succeeded in reducing millions of his people to silence. The maintenance of a tremendous military arsenal can only be regarded as a focus of danger. I am no longer willing to remain inactive while this madman ill-treats millions of people"

These quotes when i first heard them, sounded like a more eloquent Bush to my ears.

These quotes were about Poland and Czechasolvakia, and were said by Adolf Hitler.

You may have heard of him.

7/27/2005 c2 Some dude off the streets
Dear On Mercury.

There are two things about your commentary which are commpleatly wrong.

"The reason the U.N exists is so people like Dubya don't kill hundreds of thousands of people without reason or investigation."

That is why the UN exists, however it may interest you to know that Saddam killed millions of Iranians, Kurds, and Iraqies and the UN did little to stop him.

There are plentty of other cases where the UN has done little to prevent these things, I'll bet the UN put more time and effort into Making Bush look bad than they have into solveing problens in Burma or whatever it's name is this week.

"Does anyone even remember he went in to see if there were any WMDs? WMDs that were non-existant?"

Actually we have found a mobile laberatory used in the making of biological agents. And the fac that we haven't found more isn't very surprising considering Iraqs size, the fact that evry major city has networks of hundred year old tunnels, and the advanced warning that Saddom had to movev or hide laberatorys.

Also why don't you ask the kurds how "non-existant" those WMD's are. You know, cause I bet the Kurds would love to tell you
7/5/2005 c1 Christian Democrat
Gosh, I saw this essay too late. It's already 2005. Well here's my say- I supported Bush. Bush was a steady candidate and took exact stance on every issue. Kerry on the other hand, wanted to appeal to both parties (what a dumbass) and took no exact stance on any issue (cue the term "flip flop"). I bet Bush couldve even pulled through the election using just a clean campaign, seeing that Kerry was only hurting his own image. As a Christian i support Bush on both pro-life and anti-gay marriage. I remain faithful to the Democratic Party but I am about ready to rally a lynch-mob to go after Howard Dean after he gave that awfully rude comment that Republicans are usually "white and Christians." Hey Howard, I'm white, I'm Christian, and I'm a Dem so eat it you fat, narccisistic idiot. Sorry for the crude language. God Bless America!

P.S. Again, Howard Dean- kiss my arse.
5/12/2005 c1 ST Lawrence
On Mercury:

He won. Quit crying. Obviously your country didn't feel to sad about Iraq either-Tony got himself re-elected didn't he?

"(which, by the military's own standards, is NOT defined as a ist attack, because it is on a military target)."

Where is this defined?

Here's the deal dumbshit: Your team lost, on both sides of the pond. And while the Republicans in Congress here keep wavering with their spines, the rest of the country sees through the horseshit the left is propagating these days. From activist judges to re-interpreting history and the Constitution itself, it's not working.

In the words of the Governator: "STOP CRYING!"

-The happily returned ST (Steve) Lawrence
5/9/2005 c2 On Mercury
"Hey, isn't it a belief of the Left that we should treat labor here the way they do in places like France?"

Um. No.

"In my first year in office over 2-million Americans lost their jobs andthat trend continues every month.

So you're saying that NOBODY got a job in the two intervening years? NO business hired anybody? Anywhere? Prove it."

That's not the point, retard. Even if you were being funny. Two million lay-offs. Economy related. Can little Admiral connect the dots?

" I have set the all-time record for most people

worldwide to simultaneously

protest me in public venues (15 million people)

shattering the record for

protest against any person in the history of


Which only serves to "out" 15 million stupid people. That's a positive."

Umm...Admiral takes on 15 million people who believe the war is wrong...and expects us to believe HIM just because he thinks he's right? Surely not. Even all the people that side for Bush doesn't equal the numbers in Europe against him.

" I've broken more international treaties than any

president in U.S.


And it's about damn time, too!"

You're just plain stupid. And proving my point, too!

" [I did] so against the will of the United Nations,

So what?

[the] majority of U.S. citizens,

Every time National Security is mentioned Bush's numbers go up. Translation: the majority of U.S. citizens agree with him.


the world community.

Again, so what?"

Translation: the majority of U.S. citizens are scared what might happen if they don't unite behind King Monkey Man because he's got them believing they'll die if they elect someone who doesn't shoot before they ask questions.

And if you don't care what the rest of the world thinks, I think the rest of the world has the right to yell at you. The reason the U.N exists is so people like Dubya don't kill hundreds of thousands of people without reason or investigation. Does anyone even remember he went in to see if there were any WMDs? WMDs that were non-existant? And does anyone realise he's provided over 30 different reasons for invading? COME ON!

" I refused to allow inspectors access to U.S.

prisoners of war" detainees)

and thereby have refused to abide by the Geneva


In the words of the Gunny: "Semper Fi! Carry On!"

I am the first president in history to refuse United

Nations election

inspectors (during the 2002 U.S. election).

Given the track record of U.N. Inspectors, they probably wouldn't be able to FIND our elections even if we let them in."

You don't help your case by being proud of human rights abuses.

And even the hand-picked buddy of Dubya who was there found nothing.

It's not just us Europeans...face up to the facts buddy. You just voted in a er.

" I am first president in history to have a majority

of Europeans (71%) view

my presidency as the biggest threat to world peace

and security.

Again, outing idiots is a positive."

See above on you being ignorant.

" I have so far failed to fulfill my pledge to bring

Osama Bin Laden and

Saddam Hussein to justice.

Maybe you've heard...a few days ago we caught this guy-oh, what was his name...it's right there in the back of my mind...Oh yes! That would be SADDAM HUSSEIN! One down..."

Saddam Hussein I'll give you, but you guys didn't move into the territories Bin Laden was hiding in for 6 weeks. So much for that quick decisive action.

Also, a small part about your claim you've broken up Al Qaeda:

While some experts believe there is no such thing as Al Qaeda, and that the term was created to describe groups, cells and individuals that have little or nothing to do with each other, the Congressional Research Service looked at incidents that the government credits to al Qaeda. THus, under the establishment's own rules of the game, al Qaeda's attacks went from one in the 30 months before 9/11, to TEN during the 30 months after 9/11.

Even if we look at all the al Qaeda attacks prior to 9/11, the news still isn't comforting. Al Qaeda's first attack took place December '92. During the almost 9 years from then to 9/11, there were four attacks, two on military targets (which, by the military's own standards, is NOT defined as a ist attack, because it is on a military target).

Final tally: Pre 9/11: 4 attacks. (or 2, depending on if you're military or not)Post 9/11: Nine attacks.

So shut up about being so triumphant.

Oh yes...and Richard Perle, top Pentagon hawk, admitted that the War in Iraq was illegal. Not out right, as such, but sufficent enough: "I think in this case international law stood in the way of doing the right thing." (he was speaking in London at an even for the Institute of Contemporary Arts, if you're curious) As the Guardian put it over here: "President George Bush has consistently argued that the war was legal either because of existing UN Council Resolutions on Iraq - also the British government's stated point of view - or as an act of self-defence permitted by internation law"

As they say in Washington...Laws are for the little people.

OM (kicking ass today, thank you very much)
2/25/2005 c1 henri
Vous écrivez en français, sil vous plait. Merci. ^_^
2/21/2005 c1 4John Stein PhD
Don't mind if I take this one, Admiral:

"I live in Erie County New York, and we've lost thousands of jobs, we're closing schools, and school taxes have went up 13%, because we don't have enough special ed teachers for kids who don't really need special ed."

If they don't need special ed, then why do they need special ed teachers? Anyway, it sounds like these problems are your own district's, not Bush's.

The teacher problem in NYC was going on before Bush came into office, and where I live, we haven't suffered in the education department at all. In fact, more students go onto college from than they did before. But we won't give that to Bush. We'll only give him credit for something going wrong.

The school budget and the taxes around it are under the control of your city, so take it up with them, not the President.

"He also said that a dictatorship would be a lot easier."

Taking things he said out of context completely supports your argument. Just like Michael Moore. But even if he were serious - a dictatorship would be easier for the government. That just doesn't make it right.

"If you want to PREVENT future terrorist attacks, making the whole world hate us isn't the place to start."

The European countries where people have it so good that they can afford to spend all their time protesting American affairs are not the entire world.

"Could it be that maybe he had some plans that effect the rest of the world? Gee, I wonder..."

If you're talking about the Iraq war, please inform us all how fat European housewives are affected by it. You'd figure that the group doing the most complaining was the most affected.

"Maybe it's time for all presidents, Democrats and Republicans, to start choosing lower class people for their cabinets."

Affirmative action at it's finest. Don't choose the best, choose them by their class/skin color/religion/sexual preference!

"And maybe George Bush shouldn't brag about having the richest cabinet members."

Just like all Moore-ons, you ate everything he fed you. He was joking, Anarchy. It's not that big a deal.
2/5/2005 c2 14Anarchy-in-america
I live in Erie County New York, and we've lost thousands of jobs, we're closing schools, and school taxes have went up 13%, because we don't have enough special ed teachers for kids who don't really need special ed.

As I recall, George Bush said that he doesn't think about Osama Bin Laden very often. He doesn't really worry about him. He also said that a dictatorship would be a lot easier. That really is lovely, isn't it?

Don't you people think about anything other than war and money? If you want to PREVENT future terrorist attacks, making the whole world hate us isn't the place to start.

Why did he pull the U.S. out of the World Court of Law? Could it be that maybe he had some plans that effect the rest of the world? Gee, I wonder...

Maybe it's time for all presidents, Democrats and Republicans, to start choosing lower class people for their cabinets. And maybe George Bush shouldn't brag about having the richest cabinet members.
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