Just In
for Loved Forever

4/28/2006 c26 hey
does "caelyn" really mean loved forever? i want to name my daughter that, but i think i would spell it "kaylynn".. great story! i loved it, but i love all of your stories.
4/23/2006 c26 r.e.v.i.e.w.e.r
WOW! awesome fic! is there a sequel?:D:D
3/29/2006 c26 Jess
Very well written! I like this fic. Does Caelyn's name really meant that?
1/14/2006 c26 MySoul-87
Skip the last review I sent...I loved this story..I think they are soo cute together... loved it loved it loved it
1/14/2006 c24 MySoul-87
hi..When I came to chapter 25 I couldn't see the whole chapter... så I'm wondering if you cold send it to me.. so I can read the last chapter soon...

1/8/2006 c26 Alenor
this was a brilliant story. i'm glad that jan and kyle got their come-uppance. cya later ~ luv Alenor.
12/18/2005 c26 MONkeyIsCAlling

i really liked this story!

haha the ending was...i hate to admit...a bit corny...but cute nonetheless =)

i like her name a lot...caelyn...very different...does it really mean that?

it's cool..

hope you update your other stories soon! thanks ^_^
11/28/2005 c26 keliel
cute and sweet.
11/2/2005 c26 7Juniper Nights
hehe i liked the ending...im more of a happily ever after person!
10/31/2005 c26 ve
aw. that was so cute!
9/11/2005 c26 mely
aww, that was a really sweet story.
9/6/2005 c26 1Raomina
This is a sweet story and the characters are well-developed. It was well-written and the plot well-thought of. However, the ending was pretty predictable, and that made the story not quite so memorable. One can read chapter 3 and skip all the way to the last chapter without being confused. That also includes the secondary pairings.

But, other than that, the humour level in this story is quite consistent and the twists flowed smoothly. I liked the idea of how Kyle and Jan were treated the way they treated others and that Caelyn managed to be happy after what Kyle did to her. Another thing. There seem to be alot of 'hot' or 'cute' guys in this story, huh? It's like average-looking is not so 'average' anymore. It made the characters a little superficial. Also, this story has much more conversations than descriptions so I only had a vague picture of the settings.

Nevertheless, you had captured Caelyn's feelings pretty well and her anger and bitterness were believable. Good job.
9/6/2005 c26 1Dirty Secret
This story is absolutely fabulous. It's funny, heart-quenching in a few areas and most of all, sweet and romantic. Enjoyed every bit of this story and I look forward to reading your other stories!:D
9/5/2005 c1 DarkestSecrets
woah! this story is brilliant! definitely 10/10 for me!Keep up your superb work!
8/28/2005 c15 6Ginne
it was good
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