Just In
for Loved Forever

5/16/2004 c23 2luxxi
It's so good! I just read the whole story at once becuase i couldn't stop! All your characters are so lovable...except for the ones that aren't supposed to be, of course. Well, anyway, keep it up! I can't wait to read the rest!
5/15/2004 c23 myworks87
That's right. She besta let him talk. I mean...it's not like he can just STAY with her. He is, under-aged. He has a life somewhere else. Not to say that Caelyn isn't great. I like the girl. But honestly? Realistically? Yeah...
5/15/2004 c23 2Arialla
Ooh! I knew it was Nick as soon as her mother said that someone called. This chapter was great. Keep it up!
~ Aria
5/15/2004 c23 Mediator
Hey, sorta confusing this chapter but I think I've got it. Caelyn and Nick broke up? Or are they on break or something? Well whatever the reason awesome chapter and I'm sad to hear it's near the end. Update soon!
5/15/2004 c23 Sarah
I was kinda hoping that this chapter would be about Nick feeling sorry for what he did.Its sad to see Caelyn being the only one in the relationship feeling so wanton about the other one.
5/14/2004 c23 6SilentBlueRose
No! Why did you stop it there! Augh!
Good chapter though, although evil place to end it... *glares* Please update soon?
5/14/2004 c1 34lil-popcorngurl
at first I felt that you threw all the characters in together a little too fast and I didnt understand who was who and who did what exactly, but when i got to the end i think you did A better job. i think you should elaborate on your characters feelings towards eachother a little more. other than that I think this is an excellent begining and I intend on reading more.
5/9/2004 c22 angel
WHATS UP WITH NICK! Has he gone stark raving mad? He's a fool for letting a girl as special as Caelyn go like that.How exactly did he expect Caelyn to react to the news of his LEAVING? OBVIOUSLY any girl would get upset.
4/29/2004 c22 sharwee
omg you soo did NOT just do that... O_O omg... *in shock* how could he left her leave i mean seriously... damn bastard of a guy =(
4/28/2004 c22 Naomi
"No, but now I’m starting to think it probably would’ve been best if that was all it was"
Right now Nick deserves a bashing... hope Caelyn copes through it all...Nick without doubt was way too harsh...he could have been a little more understanding...Caelyn got so worked up coz she would miss HIM so much...HIM...and I think Caelyn is probably the last person to actually think about herself all the time...The biggest problem here is Nick seems so unaffected by this whole relationship..sure he's an actor but that dosen't mean he should always supress and hide the emotions he feels...and whats this about going away without telling her? thats beyond unforgivable...
sorry about the uproar..I just thought Nick was this perfect guy...so I'am pretty much in shock...
4/28/2004 c22 PCS
and to think i thought this was almost over? i must be nuts! good chapter but a little hard to follow ttyl bye
4/26/2004 c22 Dee
I'am getting this general feeling that Nick dosen't care for Caelyn as much as he should...I mean he was going to leave without even telling her...where does that leave her then...and the things he said were so rude... I wouldn't put up with that...I'am glad Caelyn handled it all without going hysterical...sure he's an actor but that dosen't mean he can just toss her aside like that.
4/25/2004 c22 myworks87
While I feel bad for Caelyn, I can't sympathize with her too much. He's seventeen. He's an actor. He has a whole other life that she's not really invovled with. It'd be difficult for him to just stay with her. He'd be giving up a lot, and it's unrealistic for her to expect him to. Seriously. And she shouldn't be too mad at him, although he did say some hurtful things. But frankly, she started it. People say a lot of things they don't entirely mean when they're angry!
4/25/2004 c22 2Arialla
No! They can’t leave each other! They’re the perfect couple! No! You have to update soon!
~ Aria
4/25/2004 c22 8Night Lily
Oh, that's so sad. Can't wait to see if they eventually hook up for good or not.
Night Lily
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