Just In
for My Life, and the Ways I Try to Live It

8/10/2006 c6 4Kakiryu
Aw...I really like this! It's been sweet so far, though that might have mostly been a reaction to Emmett's dream. Well, anyways, I can't wait until you continue.

Write more, write soon, just write. Ciao!
11/12/2005 c6 Raven
Why? Why would you leave it at a cliffhanger? gr...I like the dream though it was teasing. You really should update really soon. It's almost been a year. Please don't tell me you've given up on it. I really like the story. Trust me I only review to stories that I really like, which sad to say isn't a lot. Please update? I'm begging.
11/9/2005 c6 Skittles
Awesome story you have here, just read through all the chapters cause i couldn't stop reading.
10/7/2005 c6 David Halliwell
OMFG...one of the best things ive ever read...WRITE MORE!
6/9/2005 c1 16Wing Chant
Oh, good first chapter. It's just a typical day at highschool...being bored from reading stupid novels. You know? The whole reading thing gets to us after a while, cha? LOL! *pokes Emmett* And you made him have a crush...aw! ^_^
5/29/2005 c6 3Deadly Beautiful
You must update! I command you! ^_^ Is that writer's block still being a pain?
3/20/2005 c6 arkensi
Hmm. Not on the rebound, is he? Think Emmett shouldn't have read that. [The journal].

But storywise, the writing has improved.
3/11/2005 c6 8PaperLanterns
AH! I'm so glad you've started writing again! And you did such a nice job coming back to it after so long. normally when people put soemthing down for so long and try to restart it the new writing comes out a lot differently than the old stuff. But you did a good job staying close to the same writing style, and you characters still sound the same. Very well done, i look forward to more soon!
3/10/2005 c6 139Raven-ember
*squee* i've been waiting for this for like ever! yay, you're over your writer's block! i so happy! anyways this chapter was great! i almost cried when it was a dream! very well written though! so cute! i love it! great story so far! yay you updated! woohoo! i'm excited if you haven't figured that out yet! *hugs*
3/10/2005 c6 Nene
Here I am! :D

Great story. I am sad that there was no mansex, but keep on going. You're a damn good writer.
12/4/2004 c5 chill-man2006
Hey, I really liked your story. It's really excellent, and you are a great writer. Don't worry about the writer's block, it'll go away soon enough. I wish you luck on the rest of your story. I'm looking forward to reading more. Check out my story called "Rage of Intrustion" and please review. Thank you.
10/2/2004 c5 ddz008
Great story!
It's really nice! xD
I like it a lot... both main characters are really interesting guys.
Hope to see the next chapter pretty soon when you get over with your writer's block!
Keep writing, please!
:D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D
8/20/2004 c5 Raven-ember
Hey, you haven't updated in a while! I really did love this story! And was hoping you were over your writer's block! So please continue! I'll love forever!
7/6/2004 c1 Raven-ember
Wow! This is such a good story, very well written! Hope you get over your writers block cuz I want to know what happens next!
6/10/2004 c5 1Drake C. Windsor
I love this story. Please continue. Writer's block sucks, doesn't it?
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