Just In
for The Boy Bride

5/13/2008 c12 4X0ImaginaryGirl0X
I love this story! It has good plot and very good descriptions. no extremely noticeable mistakes and if there were I've forgotten XD. This is like a free Japanese lesson for me. I love the language and hope to go to Japan in the near future.
5/1/2008 c12 1chekiita
nice, can't wait to read more
4/14/2008 c12 1Felinity
loving the story, i love japanese and would love to study the laguage further, the fact that you put the japanese words in the story, i love it lol,such good writting skills to go with it, and you have a great story. can't wait to see what happens next!
4/10/2008 c12 2cantarellaseeker
wow...when i read this i was like wow...O_O...this is very good...plz write more!
3/29/2008 c12 29Mad-4-Manga
This makes me giggle like an absurd little fangirl. I like it a lot. ^^

Some of the features of this made me a little confused at first (fedual Japan. oO)but I'm starting to see the reasoning behind it all.

The fact that the Takahashi family decided to have Ryan marry their Lord, is a little bit confusing. But while I know a little bit about Japanese culture, I am still very much in the dark about it. So, is it for purposes of fic or history that have Lord Takeo marrying Ryan? Is it just in this world, or is there historical evidence of feudal lords taking men as their legal lovers or something?

Anyways, I am really enjoying this story as well as the fact that you are well-versed in Japanese content.

I am also curious as to when the subject of Ryan's scars and potential commitment issues will come up.

I look forward to more~!
3/29/2008 c12 Failed account
That was brillaint, i really love this story!
3/23/2008 c12 3Mamsephet
This is a really good story. I love the way you sort of just built this world for your characters. I'm a little confused about the time setting in this story though...some of the things sound a little too modern for what i imagine the time to be, but whatever. It's still awesome. Also, do you speak fluent Japanese? I noticed that you said that you weren't ethnically Japanese, but it's still really awesome that you were able to learn such a difficult language in such a short time span. Only four years! anyways, all rambling aside, great story. I can't wait for the next chapter. Your characters are so sweet.
3/3/2008 c12 8Qryous
I checked the date of your last update and now I have hope! That this story is still going~~ You deserve so much more reviews than this and your characters are wonderful.
3/1/2008 c3 Kuryous
Aww ending to chapter 3 ic cute ;D
2/24/2008 c1 FanoraJane
I absolutly love this fic! Its fantabulous. It reminds me of a fanfiction with a similar premise. You should read it (Link:http:/nekokatechan. Anyway, please please update.


2/20/2008 c12 6LadyOfLiterature
I really liked this chapter. Takeo can be so cheeky! It's very cute.

Gyouza dumplings are the yummiest thing ever. I'm glad Ryan liked them!

Looking forward to seeing what happens.
2/19/2008 c12 Zam89
Very nice... I'm really enjoying both the characters, the plot, and the setting of this story. You did a great job setting up the whole, war/arranged marriage thing. Sometimes I find stories like this had to believe, but you did wonderfully with that. Even better, you've included some Japanese, which makes the story seem more real then it would have been had you left out the Japanese... Can't wait for your next update!

Arigatou Gozaimasu, Jack Dawkins-san!

2/18/2008 c9 5Blank Sky
Awwh, that is like, way cuteā™„

Takeo has such a busy schedule D=!
2/18/2008 c7 Blank Sky
:O OH wow.

Greeat chapter. xD
2/18/2008 c4 Blank Sky
Lmfao, I love how Ryan describes the outfit he wore xD

Nice chapter as well! :D
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