Just In
for Finding Myself

12/14/2004 c1 11Burning For Revenge
Always...ALWAYS keep writing. This is just fantastic i cant get enough of it. hehe. Thanks a lot for a great story.

If you have time it would be fantastic if you could give me some pointers on my story Mystefied Life coz I'm new to the whole writing thing.

Great work. Keep it up. 10/10!- Burning For Revenge
2/26/2004 c1 9arc arsenal
christ thats good. thats how i wish my stuff would be. people tell me im articulate(how the hell do you spell articulate?) but i honestly dont have the words to describe how the poem sounds and makes me feel. such a blend of simplicity andgood writing. the scheme, the rhyme, the whole feel of the poem. if i can use it again, beautiful.
12/20/2003 c1 12Rocky G
A good poem that you could get several diffrent meanings from. I like the line "A lifetime turned to dust" I think we all waste our time here in this life, to a degree and this poem points that out to me. A great piece of work.
11/19/2003 c1 28frugale
You manage to express emotions and actions in a subtle way. Very appreciated.
11/16/2003 c1 121Seeker of the Way
This is really good. Nice rhythm and rhyme struture.

It almost sounds like you have a good psychic sense for beauty and the truth.

I've discovered this in my poetry, so I can recognize it in yours.
11/12/2003 c1 15BecomingMyself
Well written, good rhyming, good flow, deep meaning expressed throughout the whole poem, finished as it is:


I am sorry, that I didn't come by earlier, for I just found out that you reviewed one of my works, thanks for that by the way.

Keep up your good work...
10/28/2003 c1 28Silent Star4
Awesome poem! I really liked the rhyme scheme too. Very deep about life. Again, good job!
10/15/2003 c1 30Ruana
wow. thats really good, i especially like the last verse and the ending.and the ryhming works really well too.
10/10/2003 c1 3FurballofEvilness
Wow! I like this poem! it is so...er...intelectually indecicable in the poematic ruling of capapable rockishness.

(I have no clue what i said either)

I love how it seems to go on a steady rhythm throughout the entire composition (there i go again)

Compose more excelent oral ecellence!

ahem...i mean, WRITE MORE!

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