Just In
for Starcrossed

11/18/2003 c3 Dark Evening
Woot woot! ^.^ You updated. Yay! Holding the nurse hostage for chocolate, tsk tsk. I'd prolly do the same. lol. Oh btw, i personally don't mind the cursing, it kind of 'builds the character.' But ya know, that's just my opinion. Well,


10/30/2003 c2 Dark Evening
^^ Excellent story. I really like it. I can't wait to see what happens next! Updates soon, please?


10/30/2003 c2 99Myra Kilgore
Hey it's me again...I love Erik! he is so awesome, and you are right about that doctor...reminds me of someone we both know...hehehe...you know who I mean!...anyway...good work and keep up the writing!
10/27/2003 c2 5Twisted By Design
*Dies in relief*

Well, as much of a bitch as the doctor was, it's good Marie's still alive. That really would have sucked for Erik if she had died. He's lucky he found her when he did. If he was just a few minutes later... *Sighs* That would have sucked.

Anyway, this chapter was great, it didn't suck at all! But if this is your idea of a bad chapter, I can't wait for the next one; I bet it's going to be exellent.

*Quivers* OOh, anticipation. (Lame, I know.)

Update soon!

10/24/2003 c1 Catch Ya Later Alligator
*strokes TH's ego* :D I helped inspire something! And something so wonderful, to boot! Now I really AM proud! And you should be, too, because this is some danged good writing. I absolutely and positively cannot wait for more, to see how the story goes about. . .personally I hope that it's about everything that leads up to this point. I hope you get the next chapter up soon. You are now going on my author alert. So there. :P
10/24/2003 c1 Twisted By Design
*Blushes* You mentioned me! You mentioned me! I'm still so surprised when people admit to liking my work. I guess I never get tired of it. Anyway, thank you for saying my story was awesome. That means a lot to me. (I'd also like to thank you for reviewing for Fallen Angel. That means the WORLD to me.)

But I'm sure you didn't tell me to come here so I could yap about myself, so I'll leave you a quick review.

This story has a great start! Now, I'm going to assume* that either the story revolves around (A) the events that led up to her trying to commit suicide, (B) Erik coping afterwards, or (C) Marie actually survives, and what happens afterwards. I guess I'll have to come back and read chapter two to find out. OOh, the suspense ^_^

I kind of feel bad for Marie, you know? (Of course you do...she's your character) Everything she was going through really has to suck for her to try and kill her self when she's (I'm assuming*) with Erik-or semi with him- and she's got a baby. *Sighs* I feel bad for her...But I do give her credit for trying to take the long, torturous route, rather than some quicker and less painful. Takes guts. Although, it takes more guts to face everything to the best of your ability.

*Sighs* So much for a quick review, right? This is freakin' long. Alright, well I'm sure you're sick and tired of me babbling, so I'll go and just leave it at: This story is great, I'll definately check out chapter two!

*I assume a shit load of stuff (as you can see, I've done that twice in one review). Feel free to prove me wrong and rub it gleefully in my face ^_^

Update soon!

10/23/2003 c1 99Myra Kilgore
Trinity!...this is so awesome...I knew you had talent, but just blows away my mind. Keep writing!

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