9/18/2008 c1
The only part I didn't really like was "My lips curved downward in a soft frown." -'cause that just brought an image of hairy lips to my mind. Which is not a nice image...
"“Maybe I could just hold my breath.”
“You’d start breathing again once you passed out.”" - I love how you allude to subjects without directly stating them. Suicide, right? And I always wondered what'd happen if I held my breath for that long...
I don't understand why some sections were in italics and others weren't though?
"Oh what a work of art is the body of a man." - was that a paraphrase of Hamlet? 'Oh what a piece of work is man'?
"There was something there, dark against the darkness, the shadow of a shadow’s shadow." - absolutely...incredible.
I won't even pretend that I understand what's going on...but your writing just...blew me away. I really hope you get to read this because...omg this is just...incredible.
I'm favouriting this BIG TIME.

The only part I didn't really like was "My lips curved downward in a soft frown." -'cause that just brought an image of hairy lips to my mind. Which is not a nice image...
"“Maybe I could just hold my breath.”
“You’d start breathing again once you passed out.”" - I love how you allude to subjects without directly stating them. Suicide, right? And I always wondered what'd happen if I held my breath for that long...
I don't understand why some sections were in italics and others weren't though?
"Oh what a work of art is the body of a man." - was that a paraphrase of Hamlet? 'Oh what a piece of work is man'?
"There was something there, dark against the darkness, the shadow of a shadow’s shadow." - absolutely...incredible.
I won't even pretend that I understand what's going on...but your writing just...blew me away. I really hope you get to read this because...omg this is just...incredible.
I'm favouriting this BIG TIME.
6/10/2006 c1 super happy nuclear girl
I liked this a lot. I liked how you write and how you describe the room the person is in. I also like how strange this story is, it's creepy and somewhat indifferent but its still gives you enough detail for you to understand. I really enjoyed reading it :]
I liked this a lot. I liked how you write and how you describe the room the person is in. I also like how strange this story is, it's creepy and somewhat indifferent but its still gives you enough detail for you to understand. I really enjoyed reading it :]
3/31/2004 c1
Kind of freaked me out, as I am in the basement, alone, with only one light on because the others burnt out... And since you succeeded in freaking me out I present you with a 110% out of 100% rating prize! O.o Maybe I shouldn't review with lack of sleep crawling around in my head... I just pictured this weird little thing crawling in my head now...X.x I love your story!

Kind of freaked me out, as I am in the basement, alone, with only one light on because the others burnt out... And since you succeeded in freaking me out I present you with a 110% out of 100% rating prize! O.o Maybe I shouldn't review with lack of sleep crawling around in my head... I just pictured this weird little thing crawling in my head now...X.x I love your story!