Just In
for Remember Me

5/10/2005 c1 sunday night sky
remember me is such a beautiful poem. it flows really well.
6/14/2004 c1 28Silent Star4
This is good, well written with a great expression of feeling. Nicely reflecting on the pain of an ending relationship. Nice job.
2/26/2004 c1 9arc arsenal
beautiful, in a word. really beutiful in two. hell, i dont even like poems that dont rhyme and i really like this one. beautiful. enough of that word. ...must read more...
1/1/2004 c1 11Burning For Revenge
WOW this is awesome. I love ur stuff and am thankful for ur reviews. Great job! Just so u know..my next chapter is up in my story so plz read and review.
Great job!
12/23/2003 c1 12Rocky G
A great poem that shows the love for someone, who will not return that love. A bit sad, but I enjoyed reading it. Excellent work. :)
12/22/2003 c1 28frugale
When read out loud (as I did, silly me), it's a quite enjoyable piece of free verse.
12/21/2003 c1 71Toireasa
I like the last lines they really tie the entire poem together. Some of it loses flowiness, but none the less, emotion is maintained, which of course, is the most vital ingredient in all poetry.
12/20/2003 c1 31Writer Ash
Wow, that's a nice poem. All sad and angsty. Keep up the good work.
12/15/2003 c1 145dfgsfdghftgt44
Such a sweetly sorrowful poem. I really like it. This is very good for a free-verse poem. I write really crappy free-verse... (*sadness...*) Anyways, keep up the great work!
~Cirien Phoenix of the Eternal Phlame
12/13/2003 c1 30Ruana
wow. this poem is wicked. its really good. it sets the sence well and the thoughts and feelings show really clearly.
12/2/2003 c1 9bloodysilverknives
i like.
most likely because i am going through one of the existentalist(sp?) phases and questioning all meanings.
but also because of the structure and timeing.
12/2/2003 c1 JazzeeT
wow.. this is really sad.. i think this is the ultimate 'dumpee' experience.. good poem!
11/16/2003 c1 121Seeker of the Way
Nice sentiment. Bittersweet.

It makes me curious to know what happened to make you write this.

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