Just In
for The Lonely SelfRighteous

6/10/2005 c1 lillyandjamesforever

I really loved your poem. It was so emotional. I sometimes fight with mz parents and i say things I really rergret later. I have however one suggestion. could you seperate the stensas so it is easier to read

Please excuse my bad spelling and grammar, English is not my native language, I am origonally from Gertmany

5/1/2004 c1 8Yarrharr
i can really feel the emotion in this... i know what it's like to feel both proud (and sometimes mistaken) self-righteousness and to be a witness to someone who can't look past their own "uncontrollable venom"...this poem really expresses that well.
thanks for reviewing Food for Thought. i'm really happy that you can appreciate it even if you don't agree with the message. that's where real progress comes from anyway, when people who disagree politically can still appreciate each other's good qualities.
this is a long review, but you deserve it. keep writing!
1/13/2004 c1 quadellic
(this is the author, I lost my password so so I can't get on my account)
-I see I'm not getting as much 'constructive critism' as I would like. I really am very unsure of this poem as I come back to read it after so long. I haven't been on for awhile. Anyways, I tried to put it up with fewer revisions after a few comments people were making about my poems sounding almost rehearsed and mechanical. Well, this may have been a failure. I dunno, the poem still has special points in it for me, but I'm just not thrilled over it.
(note from the author) I'm trying to go back and review some of my own works
1/8/2004 c1 8PsychoticAngel777
Hey Alana :)
I think this poem is really awesome...it has feeling in it which is important in any poem and it also hits a very good subject...
Keep it up!
God Bless
11/27/2003 c1 15aPPle-FrrEAk
This is not meant to sound mean but as I read your poem, I thought of those evil Oreo monkeys in the Wizard of Oz! heehee...I'm not sure why. It's a good poem...good job! I love the about-face you wrote...it seemed like you were gonna be the victim yet you showed a Hulk-ness that proved quite the opposite. Good Job and Happy Times! ~Apples~
11/22/2003 c1 2gruntz commander
you know what...this poem...really speaks to me...i'm not quite sure what its saying, but uh...other than that, its a good poem

Keep up the good work!

gruntz commander (lovefuryenergypassion's bf) ;)
11/15/2003 c1 612simpleplan13
very cool... yea well interesting... some of my problems are self-inflicted also... me likes... thanks for the result

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