Just In
for Disbelief

3/5/2005 c1 26Brooklynn Star
Touching, i almost cried...
5/15/2004 c1 13Saxifrage
thats so sad...please explain what happened!
1/17/2004 c1 Love and Destroy
It's so sad and sweet! I like it! Sunrise
1/4/2004 c1 123loz
Hello. Is this based on true events. I don't know what to say because im unsure of this. The poem provoked deep feelings of sadness and will do from any reader with a heart. If this is what you wanted then perfect genius. Poetic grace is what you must possess. Truly a gift. Alwaysn4eva loz.
1/2/2004 c1 sketchmedesire
wow thats so sweet! and sad! im almost in tears! bravo! onto my faves list u go!
1/2/2004 c1 185Grim-reaper-Zakku
wow..good poem but so sad! I hope everything is alright now..just keep strong and all will be alright in the end
12/30/2003 c1 220Namir Swiftpaw
Oh my god...I am so, so sorry...v_v
This was a wonderful poem...and...the message was beautiful. I really hope you keep writing.
Thank you for the review.
~Namir Swiftpaw
11/20/2003 c1 5Wind Blown Hair
This was so sweet. I really loved it. It was an excellent poem.I'm sorry about what's happened. I hope things will be okay.


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