Just In
for Healing

11/30/2003 c1 1Shalea
Wow, this is awesome. Update soon please?
11/30/2003 c1 kristina toffland
great job! I'm lookign forward to more! please keep up the great work! update soon!
11/30/2003 c1 3booklover114
hey this is a great story you have real talent. I can't wait to see what happens next its going to be good I can tell.
11/30/2003 c1 fearphobic
sorry, um this isn't exactly a review, but answer to ur question, i'm gonna be 16 in jan.
and yeah do update soon.
11/30/2003 c1 16StarsOverWonderland
i like it, you use dialogue well. and Tom seems super sweet.
good job
11/30/2003 c1 Coma99
I really like this, PLEASE update soon! Can't wait!
11/30/2003 c1 24fearphobic
hey, i like the start of the story. sounds interesting, makes u realize how some guys like Kris's bf r just plain sick. can't wait till u update!
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