Just In
for Healing

4/24/2004 c19 ME
Ok, you call that long? At first your story was good, now it is HORRIBLE
4/24/2004 c19 1Shalea
Yes, Madison and Kevin getting married IS an awesome thing! He. Anywho. Great chapter. UPDATE!
4/24/2004 c19 HarryPotterSNL
OK I love Tom! And yes Kris does own Madison an apology! Just Update as soon as Humanly possible!
4/24/2004 c17 HarryPotterSNL
well, these people are always in the hospital... all sorts of problems... but that's what keeps this story interesting...
4/24/2004 c13 HarryPotterSNL
ok good they're together now! Now it's not depressing! Only I'm still crying cause it's so sweet! Oh I love this story!
4/24/2004 c9 HarryPotterSNL
ok why did you kill mike? I mean not Kris can be with Tom but you didn't have to kill mike. I swear... I have cried more in this story than most stories I read... it's so sad. This story better have a happy ending!
4/24/2004 c5 HarryPotterSNL
NO NO NO! Tom better not be dead! He can't be! That is just evil. THank god you already have the next chapter posted. I would have been really made if I couldn't find out what was going to happen.
4/24/2004 c3 HarryPotterSNL
Ok I really realy like this story so far but is Kris going to get together with Tom. I like Mike and all but I want her to be with TOM! I guess I just have to keep reading.
4/23/2004 c19 Amanda Michelle
This is an awesome story! I love it! Keep going! You rock! I love your writing. I hope we can be friends...keep writing. Cya
4/23/2004 c19 4Image of the Invisible
okay lang...maybe don't be too physical on love, but nice all the same! =]
4/18/2004 c18 KrazyKarah
Yay...you didn't kill Madison! What on earth is going on with Kris? I can't figure it out! More would be good!
4/18/2004 c15 KrazyKarah
Did you kill her? Cause if you did there be serious payback!
4/18/2004 c9 KrazyKarah
Aw...thats sad.
4/10/2004 c18 3bellesoleil
Very very very good chapter! The stories kinda depressing but it all comes together! i love it..update soon!
3/30/2004 c18 21air-hostess-86
aw how sweet, I hope theres going to be no more pain for any of them, they seem to have nothing but pain! Good chapter though!
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