Just In
for MoonWalkers: The Next Dimension

6/1/2004 c11 6Tamaku Songi
YAH! more story! lol. Kyan is a...word im not gunna say. Tide is the best. cant wait till he shows up again. cant wait for more. :-D
1/19/2004 c10 Tamaku Songi
...ok then. This is realy cool. i cant wait for more. :-D
1/12/2004 c9 Tamaku Songi
this is realy cool. So, the magic Aris can do is ancient in there. cool. cant wait for more
12/22/2003 c5 Tamaku Songi
YA! more story! sry, i'v been borde. This is cool :-D I cant wait for the next chapter. Aris dressed like a whore...this should be interesting...
12/8/2003 c2 2Kell Hound
great job keep writing
12/7/2003 c2 6Tamaku Songi
Of coures i'm the first reviewer, i love these storys. Also, it helps that ur on my Aurthor Alert list. I cant wait for the new characters.
11/30/2003 c1 Tamaku Songi
kul, very kul. I love this trilogy. And, as usual, i cant wait for more.

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