Just In
for The End of the Movie

5/21/2005 c2 LazyDaze06
this sounds crazy and weird so far, but i like it.
4/29/2004 c1 2dreaminrealities
I'd love to read your story. I've always seen the summary (it's fabulous by the way), but have never stopped to read. So, I haven't ready ANY of it. *sheepish grin*.
E-mail me. I'd even be a beta reader if needed.
4/29/2004 c1 3Sorato4ever1
I totally understand what you mean about thieves... especially because on the internet its hard to prove anything. I hope that when you finish you could email me. I would love to see how the story works out. I've been a fan of your work for a long time and hope that one day soon you will get published. If you do I'll be the first to buy it!
4/1/2004 c8 1amber n
this is a really good concept i really like it and i think it's original. i thought it would be just like touched by an angel but no it's really good.
i'm waiting out for the next bit.
francis rocks by the way.
3/27/2004 c8 14peanutilover
aw... Kev is so sweet... I look forward to your next chapter!
3/17/2004 c7 anonymous
You're doing fantastically for still writing through writer's block. Thanks so much for doing so anyway and for not letting go of your stories! :-) Wow. I seriously love this story more and more with every chapter you put out. I don't even know how many times I've reread it by now. I'm really liking how you're pulling back the curtains on Kevin and Vange's relationship little by little-I mean, it makes it really interesting to read through conversations, flashbacks, and the like, instead of a dull reciting of things that need to be said. Did that make sense? I hope so. Wow. The whole Jackie part was terrible... the thought of someone having an abortion like that is just horrible, and then kissing someone's fiance with prior knowledge of the fact? The little shite! I'm glad Brody was there to set her straight! Speaking of Brody, he's definitely grown on me. He's not quite as coarse as my mind first made him out to be, and I love that! Things are so sad though...:-( will they ever get better? You'll be making me tear up in every chapter at this rate! Anyway, awesome work, for serious. :-)
The end scene was my favorite so far.
3/17/2004 c7 3Sorato4ever1
yeah, another chapter. this story seems so deep, you have such a unique mind. i love this story although i also like eight of nine and laughing because they weren't so sad.
whenever i read the flashbacks i love the interactions between vange and Kevin but then i get sad because i know she died.
please continue writing. writers block doesn't seem to be affecting you much.
3/17/2004 c7 14peanutilover
If this is working through writer's block, I'd love to see what happens when your creative juices are really flowing... Really love it, hope to see the next chapter soon!
3/5/2004 c6 peanutilover
That is so sweet!
3/5/2004 c6 2Lena Carta
Oh gosh, that made me cry two separate times. So sweet. It sounds like writing through writer's block doesn't serve you too badly... though I hope it goes away soon. It's been too long without updates, heh. Excellent job, though, just awesome.
3/4/2004 c6 anonymous
Yay! I just reread it. :-) In a way I kind of had to, considering I didn't really remember much of the plot or what's supposed to be going on. About how Francis died...I'm assuming he was the guy that those people were talking about in one of the flashbacks? The one who was stabbed..everywhere? :-( Even if not, that's still a horrible way to go...makes me sad to think about. Loved this bit: "...trying to figure out what I’m here for. It’s like a really bad American show." The American part is what got me. :-) I'll bet you're dying for London. I can't wait til England...though I'm afraid that I'll be more out of place there than I already feel like here in the US of A.
3/4/2004 c6 anonymous
SHELLY! You're back! ::smacks self for stating the obvious:: Wow. I'm so glad you're back :-) :-) :-) Let me tell ya, my trips to FP have been that much less exciting because I wasn't able to get my much needed doses of your writing.
The last half, well, ALL of it the chapter, as a matter of fact, was definitely up to par! Part of it still made me laugh, so that's good. I had tears pricking the back of my eyes when Kevin was writing to Vange. Geez...good writing can always make me cry, which is kind of weird, since that's one of the only things that can. Anyway, now I'm really curious as to how Francis died. Ugh. I didn't even give it a thought before because I hadn't really caught on to the fact that you didn't reveal that. All the more reason to keep on reading then...over and over and over again. :-) The flashback scenes were beautiful, as always. The proposal was so um..._[insert any great adjective here]_! It was something I would have expected from these characters. Even though the story hasn't gotten too far along yet, I feel an attachment to them already...probably because they're so REAL and their pain is practically tangible. They've got such individual character...definitely not cookie-cutter perfection. You've got quite a gift for creating atmosphere through descriptions and emotions. It's really fantastic. :-)
Ahh I LOVE this story! I think I may even like it better than "Eight of Nine" and "Laughing," however horrible that may sound. Maybe because I feel like it's deeper and something that evokes more emotion in me. But yes...if I had an account and so had a favorites list, this one would definitely be on it! Thanks for coming back from writer's death and bringing such an awesome chapter with you! :-) :-)
12/17/2003 c5 14Glacial Rose
Wow... The powers of cologne... I completely understand... Kevin sounds hot... M... Like Campbell's soup commercials say: "MM. MM. Good!" MUAHAHAHA! Keep updating... It's good... :)
12/16/2003 c5 2Izell
Wow...I love how this story is going. The rhythm of it and the plot...
love it love it love it. Just hate the fact that there is no more to read *waits impatiently* hope to see an update soon! ^_^ Great work!
12/15/2003 c4 pawprintsaly000
I like it! I like that you cant tell what is going to happen next and there will probably be lots of suprises!
Update soon please!
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