Just In
for Heart Felt Conversations

1/14/2004 c1 19Cardinal Chuck
I like those hearts. They taste good. anywho, it's good and I really like the word "loquacious" even though I don't know what it means...
12/11/2003 c1 7Aisatsana
Hey! I absolutely love this story! It's soo sweet! and so creative! keep writin! lol!
from u no who!
12/5/2003 c1 sharon
hey girlie...hehe...i've said this before and i'll say it again...cute story! haha...love it loadsa...post more up k...
12/3/2003 c1 4AAGoddess-of-the-Ocean
That was really good! :) Can't wait for the next chapters! Talking with candy hearts is really clever. lol ^._.^

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