Just In
for Were I

12/9/2003 c1 1Ephemeral Angel
Its really straight forward, I feel. Direct, blunt, to the point. Its really nice actually.
12/7/2003 c1 2Sheila Ibre
Stunning, neither fierce nor mellow. I think it's very abstract and sort of hanging-on-the-edge. Its not really sad but I feel it's just the truth; you die alone. But that's just from the point of view of teenager's mind.
p.s: email me back if you think what I said made sense. (and please read some of my poems, I'm not sure I'm doing anything right...)
12/7/2003 c1 4AAGoddess-of-the-Ocean
Wow that was really good! I'm definitely adding this to my favorite stories list! I like the 'mirror effect'
ps) PLEASE read and review my stories - PLEASE? #0.o# *puppy dog eyes*

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