Just In
for Raven's Image

12/11/2003 c1 6talkingbanana
great "snapshot," as you call it. a ring of truth to it. the internet has become one big way for people to pretend to be someone they're not. virtual reality, if you will.
i like how it ended. the starkness of her lie, going back to "real life" without hesitation. brought the point home.
keep up the good work. :D
12/10/2003 c1 31Baka B.M
A good write, and very truthful, it shows how simple it can be to decieve a stranger, and how simple it is to be taken in by it.
If anything I would suggest making the descriptions clearer, just by spacing them out a bit more.
12/10/2003 c1 292Fabian Cortez
Simple, elegant and exceptional. So much said here between the lines.
Beautifully described, constructed and conceived.
Very Well Done
Keep Writing!
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