Just In
for Guardian For an Angel

2/19/2004 c1 99Myra Kilgore
hey hey ty!...this is great too...you need to enter this into the contest and guess what!...I already have my stuff entered, so I guess i can't enter "I tried"...sorry, but there is always next year. Keep writing!-KS
2/13/2004 c1 17Sacred Light
wow that's so pretty and sweet =) i love it
1/23/2004 c1 21Topaz Waters
So pretty...*Sigh*. There was one thing, the line "Mind not my fingers the brush your hair", did you mean "Mind not the fingers THAT brush your hair?" Other than that, perfect rythm, perfect meter, perfect everything. Beautiful. ^_^
1/18/2004 c1 1Jimmy Jazz
Love it, excellent work.
1/4/2004 c1 24Eternity's Secret
Aw! That is so cute.
12/11/2003 c1 13ALC Evil Fluffy Bunny
Wow! Another great one! I love it, TH!
12/11/2003 c1 27flying-buttress
*happy sniff* I love you too.
12/11/2003 c1 14childe of white 19
I am speechless...it's beautiful. I hope you are proud of the image you have painted because it is a masterpeice.

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