Just In
for The Wind's Light

4/28/2013 c9 Wickedforlife
Wait how many reveiws does this have? This is brilliant, like masterful. I love the concepts of demons and their attitude toward hummanity, and i love silver's story . All of this is just genuis. I wanna read it again and again until i feel like i can understand its true virtue. It is a crime this is not published
7/22/2004 c13 Mindbane
very nice chapter glad you finnaly updated. not much to say about this one though nice suspence and description. can't wait for more.
yours evily
7/18/2004 c1 2S.M. Ferres
I love It! kep Updating Pleasee!
7/18/2004 c12 S.M. Ferres
OH please Update i love the story, i want to know how it ends!please!UPDATE!
7/7/2004 c12 Fantasy4eva
I enjoyed reading the story,please continue to update as soon as possible.
7/5/2004 c12 18Layla the fiend
please update! I'll die if you don't!
6/12/2004 c1 mindbane
nice story can't wait for next chappy
5/26/2004 c12 Kara B
This is a such a good story please, please update soon! I really can't wait to read more.
5/17/2004 c12 scarlette-echo
yes... it was a little evil that you made us wait like that! lol jk. i know... writer's block and school, and LIFE get in the way... yes this chappie is a little confusing but in a good way.. leaves me wanting more... mhmm... hope you hurry (if you can, no stress) to bring us the next chpter. i'm dying toknow what happens!
luv, scarlette
3/7/2004 c10 11O. Scarlette
wo! more more more!
3/2/2004 c10 3Kimpossible1979
Great chapter except there were spots that left me confused, like what did happen to Victoria and the baby? The spot where Marcus was talking to Silver, you mention Damien. Everything else was understood. Take your time with your next chapter, for I know that I will read it once your story is updated. :)
2/29/2004 c4 dumdedumdum333
I'm sorry, but someone HAS to be honest with you. Your plot is interesting, but your writing really isn't very good(and shame to those who told you it was). You have potencial, but you need to practice much more. You use her name way too much and at one point you call her "Awena". Try widening your vocabulary. Oh, and also you say "(the girl was standing in front of a burning building)" or something along those lines, and NO good writer does that. Just describe it.
Once again, sorry for being so critical, but I prefer it when people are absolutly honest, and I am sorry if you don't feel the same way.
2/29/2004 c10 Kuri
I like this story ^-^
One of my many favorites on FictionPress.
Can't wait for an update!
2/20/2004 c9 11O. Scarlette
more soon! don't leae us hangin'!
2/18/2004 c9 Mindbane
ohh I love it very original though I got this idea from another book I read is that demons have no souls so they have you councience. but if she were to give him half he could overcome his nature though it will be a test of their caring of each other for it will hurt...a lot. and that is all for now bye
yours evily
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