Just In
for A country Christmas

2/10/2005 c6 5Naja Copperleaf
I haven't been on fictionpress in a while, but I really liked this. I'm a little annoyed that Halley is passing up the country life for Seattle (mostly because I've always wanted to live on a farm.) But maybe in future chapters... Anyway, I thought that this was written really well. Shawn's persistence in the face of Halley's anger is admirable. Really good. ;)
12/1/2004 c16 2NomadicWriter
I LOVED your story! it was Fantastic ^_^ now you need to do another epilogue when there married with kids hehe i just want more, more, more! Im going to go read your other stories now lol..-Kate
11/10/2004 c16 Grrinning Golden Retriever
Hi! I don't often review, but I enjoyed your story- and you mentioned my home town, Walla Walla! Neat...
6/14/2004 c16 raine0211
LOVELY LOVELY LOVELY. I'm sorry its over. the only thing was that you coulda built up shawns reaction a bit more. but other than that! next story girl. you're definitely on a roll! ~Lisa~
6/14/2004 c8 Raine0211
I'm back and reviewing. Don't think I've forgotten about you. I'm loving this story and sorry I haven't been here pumping you up. I just started getting back into fp and even writing my stories! So here's my cheerleading support. As always your writing is clear and straightforwards and i love it. ~Lisa~
6/1/2004 c16 28fallenone87
hey, i really really loved your writing. the style is just amazingly perfect and comprehensible.. i'm really impressed though there was something i felt wasn't enough.. u know the part where halley finds out the truth? i sort of didn't get the feeling out of it.. i don't know, maybe that chapt in shawn's POV would have worked better.. cuz i still had the idea that halley was the victim even after the explanation.. but other than that.. cool stuff! =)
5/25/2004 c16 18Alexiana
Did I mention that I like your writing? First, I like your descriptions. I like how one feels like they truley understand her even if they don't and I think that you give enough scenery type ones to move the story along smoothly. Your characters are believable which is hard and I think that your diction puts you in a class above most. So, great story!
5/22/2004 c16 passion101
ok, I just wanna say that this story ROCKED! It's been awhile since I've been so anxious to read a story:) It's been my dream to be a cowgirl, knowing everything about country life and being able to ride a horse like a pro. I guess I could relate to this story in a way. It was just classic and I loved it! I hope to see more stories like this from u:)
5/22/2004 c16 darkness falls
BRAVO, applause, applause
5/21/2004 c16 16Aurora Dusk
hi! i just loved that! u have great talent. at first i thought it might seem like Sweet Home Alabama but it wasn't and i liked how u used ur knowledge bout stuff to make the story interesting. it really was great and i can't wait to read future stuff!
5/21/2004 c16 2Angelic Eden
Wonderful, absolutely wonderful. Nice epilogue. Can't wait to read your other stories. Congrats and great job with this fic.
5/21/2004 c16 14Midnight Demon
love it
great story
5/21/2004 c16 5Dez Tiny
It's Ti.. *tear* its over. email me when you start a new one! i still need to read all of ur other stories.. i read Love Is Blind.. O yeah, and i need to read those stories that you recommended to me. Tell me when you start your new one. And could you please review my poem? thanx...
5/21/2004 c16 7Liriel87
hooray hooray! Great job! hope to see more of you soon!
5/21/2004 c15 2BlearyEyes
Yay! Perfect! I can't wait for the next chapter :-)
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