Just In

2/25/2013 c1 Kucing
whoa.. :O
4/1/2006 c1 3Talence86
Awesome poem! I seriously got chills. Nice appeals.
11/29/2005 c1 21Phantoms-fallen-angel
Hey, thanks for your review, I'm glad you liked my piece. Wow... this piece is very bold and sends a very strong message. I especially liked from "You were a sneaky little rat...to a liar who lies.." Very bold, and very cold. I especially appreciate the message behind this, it wasn'tmureder for the sake of murder, nor was it for love - it was for rivalry, and the emotional scars that neglect can leave. Keep up the great work. Cheers.
9/28/2005 c1 18Plinky
I'm quite worried! Lots of death and scariness in your stuff! It's very good though! You captured the emotion really well in this poem, it was really well expressed! Keep writing!
9/14/2005 c1 16Noir Fleurir
i love this. the last line was a little unexpected but i liked it a lot
3/18/2005 c1 5My Twisted Lullabye
I absolutely love this poem! I know it's morbid, but hey, I like morbid things. It's cool that ur a christian too! :) I thought I was weird being a "morbid-enjoying" Christian, but yay! I'm not alone! Keep writing!
7/16/2004 c1 SeventhBell Astarael
thats really good i like it my poem looks like nothing compared to that its good :)
5/30/2004 c1 RisingBeauty
This sounds so spitefilled, yet so calm and collected. It depicts the thoughts of a crazy person perfectly. I love how the rhyming was natural, it didn't sound forced at all. I also loved the first four lines. They immidiately brought me into the feel of the poem. The overall atmosphere created by this poem was awesome, it was just such a cold hatred, that seemed so natural that it was scary. Nice work.
5/5/2004 c1 5miss darkening bruce
hi! you revied one of my stories and i decided to read one of yours.
this is realy nice very well done you can almost taste the envy there, nice work ^^.
3/2/2004 c1 6ash42
hey i saw u read my poem and reviewed and i decided to read this one lol well anywho i can kinda picture this story lol makes me wanna write one right now lol *deep sigh* lol well anywho i will ttyl
1/29/2004 c1 17Wingless Fairy
This was a tad bit disturbing, but very well written. Your rhyming was great, and you conveyed the story well. Thanks for reviewing my poem!
1/28/2004 c1 114Aryante
*giggles* that's my kinda poem! it's very cute! i like it!
1/24/2004 c1 1Nathan Locke
i love it! you do have a way with words.
1/23/2004 c1 35rocket baby doll
m... a little dark? i like the way it flows though, and the rhyme.. it just seemed so natural..
Keep it up!
1/19/2004 c1 46fall3nang3l
cool poem! i like it even if it's dark. there's such mystery and sunspense surrounding it. thanks for reviewing by the way! great job! keep on writing!
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