Just In
for Matt and Madison

8/12/2006 c14 LoveOnFire
That was cute! I love how Madison is trying to get Matt to open up!
10/25/2005 c14 Celtic Cross
This story is awesome! Update SOON ok? OK! :D:D:D:D:DD:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D
10/18/2005 c14 8Love Me CrayziE
aw. they're so cute! i love.
8/16/2005 c14 1photogirl16
I really like your story, please update soon!
8/10/2005 c14 CheesyBiscuits
yay! matt and mad. are getting closer. update soon!
4/18/2005 c13 C. Regeling
I love this, its so cool. Matts so fucking moody though, whats he PMS'n or sumthing LoL...(and YES i know tht guys cant PMS) ... hmm...Matt may have a little thing for Madison...but i dont really know for sure...Casey seems like a prick to me...umm...thts all for now

Update Soon.

Jorja : )
3/24/2005 c13 2megan ruth
whoa i really like your story i think that haley girls sounds like bitch and i love madison for being this goody goody (kinda) but matt has issues jeez temper problem he needs a good kick up the ass but thats just me lol please update soon!
3/24/2005 c13 11BleedingAngel91
WHY THE HELL DID YOU STOP! Everytime it starts getting really good you have to stop. I think you're trying to give me an emotional breakdown. PLEASE update soon I want to know what happens in the next chapters. Update soon please please please. By the way i love this story ^_^'
3/23/2005 c13 Kira
I just started reading your story and I like it so far...I do think Madison acts a little too old for her age but that's just my opinion. Please keep writing and update soon!
3/23/2005 c13 CheesyBiscuits
u must've had one hell of a writer's block, it took u forever to update. n e waz, this was a good chapter. u can really start to see the progress in Matt and Mad's relationship. is Mad really gonna hold Matt's hand wen he calls his dad? update SOON!
3/23/2005 c13 15losingthebattle
pua! good chappie! update soon! and i mean that you lazy bum :)
2/27/2005 c12 13inAnutshelLkizZ
i thought you might need a little motivation to continue your story...well here it is. GO WRITE!NOW! ::angry face::

1/6/2005 c12 2Tzao
Wo, his dad called! Yay!Is he gonna go to Nebraska?Woo. (:Cheers.-t
1/6/2005 c1 Tzao
Dude! I love it already. I play bass. :)Cheers.-t
11/14/2004 c12 4KEKA
yay! finally you post again ^_^!
This chap was really good. I like how everyone's all kinda caught up in everyone else...it's good. Matt is sounding like one of my friends, lol. Keep going!
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