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11/23/2010 c6 564ShatteredButterflys
you replying to reviews for most of the last chapter IT SUCKS

btw no one wants to listen to your ranting!
11/23/2010 c1 64ShatteredButterflys
this sucks get a beta and if you already have one I suggested getting a better one!
10/18/2008 c6 Just a thought
Oh you are extremely wonderful! You ARE the perfect blend of a snobby, egotistical, self-centered BITCH! I never knew such creature actually had the gull to walk on the face of this earth. You have a boy-friend too, don't you love? Oh, marvelous! He must be as spineless as you are. Most popular girl in school you say. Absolutely stupendous. Now, what school did you say you went to? "Bitch University for retards." Yes. Yes. you MUST be joking. If I do say so myself, I think that you my dear are NOT perfect. You are nowhere NEAR perfect. Your story is not mediocre, your story is LOWER than that. Oh, please, enlighten me hun. Did you, I ask, write: How to be a Bitch in 10 easy steps? No? Hmm.. Well, I saw you on the cover... It kind of looked like a mix between a bush baby and a pig. It's okay love, no need to be upset. You just jave to crawl into a hole, and bury yourself alive, that's all:) OH! I wanted to ask you. Your character in your fabulous story. Rebecca right? Oh, she is so like you. Except for the, being beautiful, ofcourse. A waste of space, that's what you are. Oh well. I bid thee farewell my dear. I do hopw you would reply soon. I just love chatting with a bitch like you eh?
9/6/2008 c6 BlehP
Ugh, no wonder you quit writing, or did the poor little girl get kicked out of the site? Ok, so let me contradict all your comments towards these innocent reviewers who you happen to be dissing off. Shall we start? Great.

1.) Flames are there to help you, NOT to entertain you. Unless your a total biatch... wait... you ARE aren't you? And are you on crack? 'Excuse Stupidity?' Arrogant pig.

2.) Yes, you do need a lesson... Wait, not a lesson, YOU NEED A FEAKING SERMON or morality.

3.) Okay, you are just mean.


5.)I feel you are contradicting yourself hun. How could you say you are amused with all these flames, and that you are not affected by them? If you reply to all of them, that shows that you are INDEED affected by them.

6.) DUDE! This is a freaking site for aspiring writers. NOT Professional writers. You are not writing a freaking book. So, when you say your family is behind you full support, are you saying they're behind you cheering: "YOU CAN DO IT LOVE! GO DISS PEOPLE AND CONTINUE BEING THE BITCH YOU ARE!" Goodness, then you have SERIOUS mental issues.

7.)No wonder no one likes you! Your a freaking priss. Have you ever heard of chat speak? Have a life would you.

I couldn't continue. I mean seriously, writing about bitches can be hard work.
9/6/2008 c3 Just here
Oh, how nice. Another (insert bad word here) writer who thinks it (and yes, I said 'it') is all that. Oh how you piss me off. I believe I flamed you before. Although, I did think you would quit being a freaking b*. Is your ego growing? You sound like my freaking language teacher. What are you? 50? Puh-lease. You are NOT the queen of the world. Yes, as you said, you ARE a snobby b*. And if you haven't heard, snobby b* are never superior. They are always looked as spineless creatures. Your work should be more of your story. I think people are looking at your horrid coments to your reviewers. You should be thankful that your not being mugged by an angry mob. Good luck.
9/6/2008 c2 Anon
You most definitely have an ego problem. First of all, you violated FictionPress' rules. Second of all, those people who 'flamed' you were NICE enough to actually tell you what was wrong with your story. Your story would have more praises then the so called b* comments given to you because of said flames. Another thing that freaking pissed me off, was, you didn't aknowledge those FEW people who actually complimented your work. I think they deserve a standing ovasion for not flaming you. And before you start calling someone a hypocrite, try taking your own advice. Your grammar isn't all to good either. If I were you, I would thank whoever invented spell check, cause if they didn't, your story would be flushed. So, before you start calling anyone trashy, try hiding all your b* trophies so you wouldn't look to much of a hypocrite. So, HAVE FUN GETTING MORE FLAMES BECAUSE OF YOUR FREAKING EGO! *claps for you*
5/26/2008 c3 touchofchaos
woah. Everyone's chewing you out man.

Your story isn't that horrible. I read this story that was 10 chapters and it got a thousand or something reviews,but it kinda sucked...

Don't let them bring you down.

2/7/2008 c1 Green
My honest opinion of this story is that it has potential. I like the basic plot and I'm quite angry at others for their inappropriate flames. A concept like yours appeals to me in an odd way and I want you to finish this. No, I am not kidding with you or lieing or putting up an act. I truly and really like this story. The only reason I don't sign in is because I don't have an account here.

I like Anna's personality and the way it clashes with Adam's makes for a love/hate relationship, a favourite of mine. A suggestion on my part would be that you write more rather than answer to flames. Flames take up most of your story rather than the actual story itself. It makes it frustrating to read anything. The only other problem I have with this is the use of language (swears) in this. I'm not a big fan of vulgar words and don't like to read them in a story as good as this one.

I admire you for your preserverance. Putting up with all those flames is tough work and you just roll them off like they were nothing. Update soon and work hard to show those flamers that you are a GREAT writer!
9/16/2006 c3 It's Me Again
I just had an epiphany. I happen to have a list of wonderful phrases, most of which can be used to describe you. I decided to post a few of them (and trust me, there are plenty more where these came from) in order to give anyone who decides to review this story a few laughs. So please read this knowing that I speak for many.

1. I don't know what your problem is, but I bet it's hard to pronounce.

2. Well aren't you a waste of two billion years of evolution?

3. It may be that your sole purpose in life is to serve as a warning to others.

4. Those of you who think you know everything are very annoying to those of us who do.

5. Do they ever shut up on your planet?

6. I think someone has to be listening to you for it to be an actual conversation.

7. I mind is a terrible thing to waste. I'm glad they didn't waste one on you.

8. You have no idea how acutely depressing it is to realize we're from the same species.

9. I'm sorry . . . Am I poking holes in your self esteem bucket?

Oh, and just so that we are clear, these are my insults. If they appear in any flames you write I can and will do my utmost to have you forcibly removed from this site.

Now please kindly remove your carcass from my presence.
9/16/2006 c2 Lily of the Valley
Hello! While I may not finish reading this story, because it is much to painful to slog through, I must comment on two things. The first is that while you are extremely rude to those whom you depict as having poor grammar, the grammar in your own story is far from perfect. Secondly, I must disagree with your statement that Europeans are all brutally honest. Europe is the birthplace of diplomacy, or in other words, of tact. If you do actually live in Europe, I personally suggest you either learn (and practice) the art of diplomacy before you alienate every decent writer on this site, or else please desist in using your heritage as an excuse for sheer rudeness. Thank you, and have a pleasant evening.

PS. It's decrepit, not "decripit."
8/3/2006 c6 LEYSI
hey i like this story .i cant stand rebecca thats a strait up ho so i hope you keep on writting nd dont let this hatin bitches get to u
5/27/2006 c2 xwritrfreakx15
I'm sorry. I can't do the plan anymore. I was going to act like a white airhead and give you all these stupid compliments, but, after reading your story, I can't.

No. Don't get your hopes up. It's not because I like your story (laughs hysterically in mind), its because it gives me a headache. It doesn't appeal to me. Cliche or not, your story doesn't do you justice.

My friend told me about you. She read all your remarks to peoples' reviews to me. And I was so angry when she was finished that I wanted to throttle you into a death choke. Then, when I read your story, my first response was to laugh.

I have only read 2 chapters and I'm already confused: is it physically possible to 'point your arm'? Do you know where your arm is? It is between your wrist and your shoulder. Get a Biology book and look it up.

Other sentences were noticed. I cannot list the vast amount you have. And in just two chapters? Imagine the rest. My friend and I discussed your writing style. It is equivalent to a twelve year old's.

Perfect? Please. If you were perfect, Aristotle was a god. No one is perfect. Only Jesus was and I don't think you can come close to that. You call people hypocrites because they say your story is cliched. Well, I can't assume that their stories are, but the bet idea has been exhausted.

So what if people like to shorthand their writing in reviews and their usernames? Its not as if they're practicing it in their stories. Stop being uptight, hon. It just makes you all the more repulsive.

People are helping you. They are not jealous. So, you're popular and you have a boyfriend. Who cares? It's not helping your defense.

Consider this a lesson, not a flame.

That's all I have to say. You may not read this immediately but when you do, I hope you see the error of your ways before Fictionpress bans you.



P.S- Beat that, bitch.
5/27/2006 c1 xwritrfreakx15
2/26/2006 c6 JamieAlphaBravo
Alright, I'll start things off by saying that I chose not to read the reviews for this story (at first, because I know that many reviews contain spoilers for the story itself, but then I didn't, because I noticed that in your author's notes, you mentioned people flaming you for whatever reason, and I don't care to get into that stuff. What you, and others, for that matter, say about eachothers' writing really is of no consequence to me).

I am judging your writing alone, so although you seem a little harsh in your notes, I won't even take that into consideration when judging your story, here.

The first thing I thought upon reading the summary was "oh, another typical cliche. She's All That." etc, etc. However, when done correctly, a 'cliche' may not be a bad thing. Afterall, most stories are unoriginal in some way, because it's all been done before.

I won't say that your writing is flawless or anything. I won't say that I love this story to bits. I won't even comment with sadness on the fact that it's been quite a long time since an update.

I will say that you have potential. Your overall style of writing is nothing particularly special, but it could be good with some work. If you were to ever update this, I'd probably check it out, but I wouldn't be expecting a work of art.

Keep on writing, though.
8/17/2005 c6 1kittybro
Yer awesome Pweaz update . I hate all those ppl who say you ripped this off of she's all that or something.. don't they know that when you look deep down on a movie, novel or anything its pretty much all the same. Its the authors that make it special. And you make popular entities really special. I hope you update =D
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