Just In
for Discontented

3/31/2006 c1 11Fan-Club-President18
Omigod!I love this story so far and I hope that the story is just as great as the first chapter:) Which I'm sure it will be.
3/28/2006 c25 9SolisLuna
Awesome story! I hope those two end up marrying someday, though that's kind-of far off. Though there are grammer mistakes, you are an exceptional writer! Now I sound wierd, but don't give up writing EVER! LOL :P
3/4/2006 c6 saskia
your main character is nutsseriously.and shes stupid.the writing style is a little too casual, like you're just typing whatever comes into your head, muddling things up. do you go back through it and edit for flow? you should.
1/27/2006 c1 Alisha
WoW...you gotta love it when the first chapter of a story is called "calculus"

great story!
1/2/2006 c12 12it's only castles burning
heh like it uberly
12/29/2005 c25 Alenor
this story was okay, not what i'd usually read but you wrote it well, cya ~ Alenor.
12/26/2005 c25 Cerulean San
I absolutely LOVED it. Very true, about what you said. I used to be very... tempermental like so and such, but x3 my mom is pretty much... my best friend.

I love how you ended it off there, very realistic. Problems are going to keep coming and coming in life, but in the same manner, solutions will keep coming. You left it off as though her story had ended AND began... you really are a great author.

Mucho love thar
12/11/2005 c25 41AbbeyEileen
My problems aren’t just magically cleared up and they probably never will be. I’ll always have issues with what’s happened, but the thing is—I’m not going to whine about it and pretend that I’m the only one whose feelings matter.

Instead, I’m going to concentrate on my own life. After all, I’ll soon be in total control of it. I’ll soon be the one making all my important decisions and I won’t have to look to my mom to do that for me.

I think that’s one step closer in being a person who is actually content with their life.

I’m not there yet.

…But I will be.

That's really brilliant. You give such an amazing insight to your characters in everything they/you do.
12/8/2005 c25 Violaaa
omgsh I loved it ! Especially Jake, I thought he was gonna end up using her but thankfully i was wrong, nice story
11/14/2005 c25 3letylyf
Aww.. I love this story. It is so beautiful. You definitely have a lot to be proud of. I could gush all day but nothing I can say will do the story justice.. I just love it. After reading a lot of amateur fiction your mind gets kind of muddled up in the cliched fakeness of most people's characters, and it takes a story like this to remind you how real fiction can be.

I.. I just wish there was more. Please give us a sequel in which all four of them are living it up in NYC .. or, you know, Europe. ;)

This was /brilliant/. I thoroughly love it. Excellent job, it made my crappy day a lot better.
10/27/2005 c5 5BehindBlueEyes52
ha ha For the record Harvard is in Cambrige (my father went there) so yeah just a little fact in case u are wondering


all of them are lol KRisten
9/25/2005 c25 murphy1086
Wow, great story. It was captivating beginning to end, and I loved every bit of it. The ending was also really good...wasn't too cheesy or sad. Perfect. Again, awesome job. Peace :)
9/2/2005 c25 10Finger Dingbat
amazing, splendeforus, touching, incredblie, truthy, beautiful.

is it allright so ask for a epilog?

i have to applude you though, this story (unlike most on fictionpress) is so realistic, none of that crappy "oh i've been abused, i think i'll go fall deeply in love with a mysterous stranger and my life will be al better" but all the event that happen you can realate to you own life, so clap clap clap, and well done, i dont have much else to say but, "add story to favorites" lol
8/27/2005 c1 1JackieTheWarriorPrincess
Really nice start
8/3/2005 c25 Huggleskitty
yum... girly stories... This is the second story of your's that I've finished today. On to the rest! ^.^

Happy writing!Kitten
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