Just In
for Discontented

10/22/2004 c1 anarachillwind
one hell of a fic
10/9/2004 c25 5CrystalDusk
aww man so sad that finished! that ending was kind of sudden actually. or maybe it's just me...=S
anyways that story was really good! cept that whole thing with him tasting of cigarettes. gross... but hey whatever floats your boat. if that's what she likes who am i to say anything?
keep writing good fics! ill read them if they're good! =D
10/1/2004 c25 Anon
"affecting" not effecting - - -
9/21/2004 c25 3Desert Illusion
Eheheh, ok, so I got a bit carried off, and read the whole thing? Ahh well, now that i'm done with reading this, I can finally go to bed now!
*Whines* I don't wanna go to college tomorrow, and do my chem lab! Oh well, I'll just be off to bed, and deal with chem tomorrow.
Great story btw! It was pretty interesting!
9/20/2004 c6 Desert Illusion
Ahahahahah! Ehehehehe, Ikew that thought was gonna pop outta somewhere! lol! This story is so cute!
9/20/2004 c1 Desert Illusion
Oh wow! Ok, you probably know me from Hello Kitty, so here I am again! LOL! (I just discovered that you have more stories posted up!) =o Hehehe, anyways this story looks great! I'm so happy that since it's finished, I won't have to beg you for any more updates! Ehehe, yeah well, I'm gonna take my time on reading it...
Taking about history, I actually enjoyed my history class! I mean I took it in the summer, but hey it was so cool! My history teacher was really enthusiastic and everything...(he was cracking jokes when he was lecturing on WWI!) Now, THAT was what I cal "fun"
Anyways, I better stop my college experience right about...NOW!
9/19/2004 c25 exihibit-f
hey. i love your story. its so... real. and you're a really fantastic writer with a great sense of humor. gosh. it reminds me of all the times i skipped class and got caught by the principal once too. and the shit family situations; i can totally empathise. will read your other stories someday. am in the middle of exams now. great stuff that convinces me NOT to walk outta e hall in e middle of a paper and screw it.
9/18/2004 c25 steph
I really like the way you ended it. It's realistic. and, I duno, it just hit a chord. =)
9/16/2004 c25 2Ariana McKenzie
Wow that was awesome! I loved it... really. I want a Jake... sigh... so, did you date a guy with a lip ring or something? Cuz I dunno... you'd think it'd get in the way or something... but hey, I wouldn't know. Keep cranking out those stories, or publish one and tell me so I can buy it and never have to go on AOL ever again. It's the devil. Teehee, I was glad to have read your stuff, it was worth ditching my homework. :) -Ariana
9/15/2004 c1 Ariana McKenzie
This is great! I love the way you write, it's obvious that a lot of it comes from your own life, and that the opinions of the characters are yours. And you're hilarious too, so all in all it's absolutely magnificent (o, big word) Thanks for the good readings! -Ariana
9/4/2004 c25 Kura-sama
Wow ... deep stuff. You should be a psychologist ... or write teen-novels. This is way better than the "soul-searching" stuff we have to read for English, and I'm much rather write essays about how this connects with teenage problems than the book we had to do reports on. That stuff wasn't even realistic, and the ending was super-anticlimatic and totally non-soul-searching-like. Er...not sure if you get what I mean. but yea. (The protagonist just uped and decided she got some mysterious strength thingy and the problems just disappeared. It was weird.)
Great Story! You should write a book or something ^_^ Will read your other 2 completed stories sometime, after I get some sleep XD It's 3.11am cause I couldn't stop reading long enough to go to sleep ...
Love you and your stories!
8/25/2004 c25 1Nikki77
There should totally be a sequel to this story! The college years would be good, but she's got to stay with Jake, otherwise it wont be the same.
8/24/2004 c25 The Rejection
A wonderful ending to a wonderful story. It really ties it all together.
8/24/2004 c6 The Rejection
She will love him, she will! ^_^ He's in her thoughts already. How amusing.
8/9/2004 c25 snow blossoms
Damn...this story...is really, really good! I mean, I wish I had more to read, but otherwise...it's not the conventional, I-fall-in-love-with-a-dude-and-my-life-is-a-soap-opera romance story! It has depth and growth and an actually good ending! Thanks for writing and thanks for updating and thank you in general! Have a g reat day!
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