Just In
for Discontented

6/25/2007 c25 Written
Beyond sweet, cute ending :)
6/25/2007 c24 written
wow, jake really told her off. is it bad I sort of agreed with him?
6/25/2007 c21 Written
audrey and her friendship is really sweet. something nice about someone she actually gets along with.
6/25/2007 c16 Written
her mom is probably more obnoxious than anyone else in this story though.
6/25/2007 c15 Written
actually it's much easier to rob credit card users- identity theft.

okay freaking out about that old lady? no offense, but it's her job to scan things. she does it all day long anyway. to some extent, kat's a brat. it's okay, it takes one to know one.

I like how things are progressing with jake! I don't like how childishly angry she gets over everything, but she has a lot on her mind. and she is just a high schooler.
6/25/2007 c6 Written
I found how rude she was being to her mother kind of PATHETIC. I'm glad she supported her sister and cut her hair, but in the beginning ish area of the chapter where she kept snapping at her mom? AND the waitress. man.

I've definitely done it too, though, so it was pretty realistic. I think I appreciated that.
6/24/2007 c25 Sammy Rochester

Okay, love this story. Love Love Love Love. Yea, totally told someone last night that I couldn't hang out today so I could finish this.

I could so relate to this story. Oh, man. The indignity was growing in my stomach as I read. That stupid mother! Hate! And stupid Baz! Hate!

Anyway, thanks for writing such an awesomely awesome story.

I think you should publish something soon for me. Kthanks.
6/16/2007 c25 1Brandel Amore
Wow. I found this story so.. enthralling. It made my heart jump, and it actually continued to suprise me. You have done very well, my friend! And I give you like...seven thumbs up.
5/30/2007 c25 3A Solitary Birch Tree
You say you're proud of this story? Well, you have VERY good reason to feel that way. This story was bloody amazing. Normally, the stories on fiction press are simple fluff and the emotional aspects are either craptastic or nonexistant. But this...man, this was perfectly blended. Insperational if you will. I'm envious.

See, you're even making me go all sappy now!...all poetic and shit...meh, it's good for the soul.

And the situation is all so beleivable. My parents recently divorced, and while there was no marrying of my boyfriend's 21 year old cousin and procreating with said cousin, my father did go through a serial dating phase, and it wasn't pretty. I've also got the whole confused emotions and potential boyfriend thing that was going on between her and jake at the beginning. Only my is unwanted and REALLY freaking me out.

But I digress.

Anywho, your writing is stupendous and I hope to read more of your work in the future. But at the moment it's nearly 1 in the morning and I have a math test tomorrow, (Calculus should die...)so I'm gonna go sleep.
4/29/2007 c25 28Erisah Mae
Nice, nice, Nice! This was a really good, heartfelt account, of a girl who went through hell, and yet was able to rise above it all- the fact that she was able to survive, and the emotion that you were able to convey in the telling of this story was exquisite... Not exactly a popcorn read, if you know what I mean, and I appreciated it.

I can't wait to read some more of your work!

3/23/2007 c25 2CarlyJo
This was a great story. I loved the characters.
3/18/2007 c25 19jekodama
I liked this story. I liked Jake's explanation, that he just 'gets' her. That was sweet. And although I'm not and have never been a fan of the teenage's angst, I certainly liked the way you portrayed it. Good job.
3/4/2007 c25 1Raelia
I like this story. There are a few malapropisms here and there, particularly your use of "effecting" where it should be "affecting", but other that that this story is very good on spelling and grammar.

I was a little sad that Kat never got around to asking Jake what college he was planning to attend, and learning more about his story, but after reading this last chapter I think I like the way you ended it better. This way we can hope and speculate.
2/27/2007 c25 Miz Em
Yea~~ This story rocked! ^^ It was really depressing for a while there but I'm really glad it ended the way it did, with Kat having clarity. Are you gonna do a sequel? It seems like that would be an interesting endever... Anywho, nice job ^_^
1/1/2007 c1 youpin
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