Just In
for For the Sake of Propriety

2/10/2006 c16 anonymous
Awesome story. Love the slow character development. Please finish. My English is too poor to express the wonderful quality of this work. Suffice it to say, this story deserves an ending. Great job.
1/27/2006 c16 PhiloNysh
Hello. This is a fantastic story, and I can only hope that you will update this brilliant work of fiction. Please!
1/15/2006 c16 fp
please, pretty please could you update?

It's such a beautiful story, and it doesn't feel good to be left hanging. I like S so much.

give this story an ending! =)
12/21/2005 c16 Puschel
I've just finished reading and I must say the more I read the better I liked this story. I love the development of Matthew's and Sophia's relationship. I hope you'll be able to update anytime soon.
11/23/2005 c16 2Nacomis
very good story update soon please
10/28/2005 c16 27why can't I just be tall
hey I love your story.sorry that I haven't reviewed before but i have been reading it. I'm kind of ashamed that i really I'm only reviwing because you've taking so long to update, so um yeah please update and I really do like your story.
10/10/2005 c16 n3ssa
wow, i really like this story. please please please update! you're definitely one of the better authors i've read lately. i can't wait to find out whats happening next!
10/3/2005 c16 asga
yay its nice story ^^ i wann know how the cope their felling xD xD
9/24/2005 c16 4FLGMadisonW
wow. so if you just leave it like that i'm going to cry. doing so well. i'm loving it more and more. mind you i read it all in one sitting, but i want you to update it.

8/25/2005 c16 8Little Comet
Interesting... Very interesting... We shall have to see how this one turns out.
7/25/2005 c16 5Calcifersgrl
I'm so glad you updated! *cheers* Oh Matthew... he's so proper, but I love him anyway. I love how the chemistry between the two main characters is so subtle and yet so noticeable. I hope you update soon because I'm looking forward to see how Matthew and Sophia deal with their newfound feelings for each other!
7/24/2005 c16 BlueRose
Wow. I forgot how much I love this story. Please update soon. I went back an re-read most of it. Will we find out what Rebecca's secret is? Has it anything to do with why she isn't married yet? I can't wait for the next chapter. How will both Rebecca and Sophia react to Mathew's compliment? Please don't keep us in suspense much longer. Oh and, you're a marvelous writer, if you ever get one published and printed, I'd buy it ;)
7/23/2005 c16 ria
yay! i'm so glad you've updated. please write more soon!
7/22/2005 c16 2Simple Words
Lovely. It was wonderful. I can't wait to read more.
7/21/2005 c16 8poohba
I'm so glad to see this update! I'd just about given up on this story.

Do I detect a parallel between life and art with Sophia's sketch and your own writing? If so, I must agree with Matthew's ending assessment. "You are talented."

Thank you for the synopsis at the beginning. I still went back and re-read the last chapter, just to make sure I remembered things right. It seems like Matthew and Sophia are drawing closer to a resolution. Now that they both seem to be admitting the truth to themselves, can the day when they admit their feelings to the other be that far off?

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