Just In
for Found Again

11/2/2005 c6 4Rio's Desire
Very interesting, but your last chapter was a climatic one, but please update more often, i had almost forgotten this story.
2/1/2005 c5 kiki
i really like this story- no lie! it's creative, different, and i'm falling in love with demonds. now, make sure to update often!
2/1/2005 c5 Rio's Desire
Hey you finally updated! I like the story so far. I guess even demons can have feelings for humans. Can't wait to read more.
7/2/2004 c4 Rio's Desire
Oh please post your next chapter soon! You have a few spelling errors, but your story so far is great! And I didn't think you rushed into your story too soon with the snare teams.
6/4/2004 c4 4Unity-Girl
I liked this chapter 'cause it seemed more humorous in some ways. See you worked in the math thing-y you working on while we talked. I almost felt sorry for Carden... he had to be a jerk... Love it and you! (not that way, baka!)
5/27/2004 c4 okami no hanyou
you see, since your stroies good, you're allowed to update slowly. But this dosn't mean cliffies are allowed
5/26/2004 c4 57NeWriter
I just started to read this story and the subject seemed a little familiar but then when I read your words and began noticing your style I knew that it was really well written. I can only give you (hopefully) one good advice: try to describe the forest, the settings around Andra and Carden more. You have a good vocabulary and I like the way that you wrote the two characters' personalities.
I hope you do update soon and really look into my advice! Very good! ;)
5/26/2004 c4 kay
my review button isnt purple, but heres a review for you! I love CARDEN!
5/26/2004 c1 2GirlMaverick
I forgot to say sorry to ClumsyGrace for getting rid of Jogant. he was never meant to be a main character. He will be back later in the story though, but it may be a while. Sorry, I would keep him but it would completely ruin the story line.
5/25/2004 c4 GirlMaverick
Hi. I'm reveiwing my own fic. ;p
3/11/2004 c3 ailea
Interesting, ^_^ Can't wait for the next chappy.
2/7/2004 c3 4Unity-Girl
A lot more humor in this chappie, Missy.
I like. ^_^
Nothing much to say except:
Damn midterms
Keep it coming
2/3/2004 c3 1Sweet Fruit
OOH! I love! Update when you can!
2/3/2004 c3 Thorn of a Rose
1/16/2004 c2 4Unity-Girl
Well, I'd have to say, Missy, that you've started out great *smiles* but discribe your charicters more, 'kay? And do that past/not really past, thing I was talking about if you can figure out what I mean. Your great, otherwise. And... Andra reminds me of you...
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