Just In
for The True Story of Jack

1/2/2007 c9 1dreamingeye
THIS IS AN ABSOLUTELY AMAZING STORY! it was so captiviating and interesting! i loved how well your characters were developed, especially Jack! i could see this being made into a movie or something. bravo! bravo! magnificiant job!
6/5/2004 c9 11DisasterousLetdown
Oh my god that story was so good! So sad at the same time. Poor Charlie died! Jake left for good! That was great, you are an awesome writer!
~ Amy ~
3/15/2004 c8 4Emidot
This is very well written,I'm totally hooked!Update soon!
2/28/2004 c8 73Eternal Twilight
Wow! Awesome chapter! ^^ Aww, poor Jack! ::sniffles and huggles the cute ghost:: And poor Charlie too! ::runs up and huggles him as well:: I think that partial immortalization thing is kinda cool...I want her to go through with it...as in a way; they'd be together forever. ^-^ Update soon, dear...I'll be waiting. ^^
2/25/2004 c8 6BeautifulDisaster6
I loved this chapter, poor Jack! Aww poor Charlie! *Gives him big hug* I feel bad for him. This is a great story. Please update soon!
~ Amy ~
2/3/2004 c7 73Eternal Twilight
Oh my god, you have to update this! I love it! ^-^ So, now she knows about him...I wonder what will happen? ::tries to think:: I'll be waiting for chapter 8. Jack is a total sweetie. ^_^ Great development on his character. I'm even liking Dawn now too...^^ Love the story, and can't wait for more!
2/3/2004 c7 6BeautifulDisaster6
I am so sorry I haven't reviewed in a long time. I haven't been on the computer much and have just now gotten a chance to read the new chapters. So Dawn knows Jack is a ghost now huh? I wonder what's gonna happen now. Dawn's father killed her mother! Wow that was surprising. Update again REALLY soon!
~ Amy ~
1/31/2004 c6 5nobodysanyone
I don't think I would be able to swin naked in a lake full of men...*shudder* I don't know how she did it! Anyway, this is a good story. Thanks for updating. :)
1/29/2004 c1 My Friend Bobo
I just wanted to comment that this plot sounds a lot like the story Jack by Sarean. For a second I thought she had just changed her login name and the summary! But ok... this seems well written as well. Keep going!
1/20/2004 c5 11DisasterousLetdown
Oh my God I LOVE this story! LOL. You are such a talented writer. I really liked this chapter, one of my favorites. Update again really soon please!
~ Amy ~
1/20/2004 c5 Brenna
Aw. I like this story. I like Jack, he's so confusing and smart at the same time. I have the feeling he's the kind of guy I might like.
Your writing style is different too, in a good way.
Hope you write more.
1/18/2004 c4 6BeautifulDisaster6
This is a really good story and YAY Jack is finally in the story! Update again really soon!
~ Amy ~
1/18/2004 c4 8zanuas917
I'm sorry that Chapter Four is messed up, I tried to fix it.
1/15/2004 c3 6BeautifulDisaster6
Another great chapter. Is Jack coming into the story soon? Keep up the great work, update again soon!
~ Amy ~
1/14/2004 c1 7Silverteal
Very interesting story that you have here. I think you should keep on going.
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