Just In
for Dream Catcher

11/5/2005 c1 34Smoky Bear
thanks psycho, i will.

loved it
3/1/2005 c1 23HeadofVecna
The "little dream" like a "little death" seems like a great oxymoron. Simple is good. Simple is great. Simple is never quite simple.
11/28/2004 c1 243Manuel Fajar
Chromatic voyage—nice tanka. m
9/16/2004 c1 90Archer In The Shadows
Perhaps I can reach you this way. Please remove "La Vie En Rose~ Life is Beautiful" from your profile, seeing as that is both the title and summary of one of my pieces of writing. Please do not ignore this.
5/7/2004 c1 76CoolBeans18s
Wow! This is so beautiful! I love dreamcatchers, and you've described them well!
~ CoolBeans18s
4/14/2004 c1 1Jimmy Jazz
I like this, it put a smile on my face. Especially the last line, "Why not catch a little dream?". Great job.
2/22/2004 c1 A Beautiful Nightmare
Wow so pretty! And it's a tanka too!
2/15/2004 c1 90Identity
i love this
1/18/2004 c1 20Deadwind
Alright! We've got one back!
Great tanka, it makes me sad to have lost my dreamcatcher...;(
1/17/2004 c1 100Keep it 100
It's great to have you back. What a way to make an entrance!
1/16/2004 c1 35Mime
Yay, you're back, and with more entrancing haiku too! *hugs* ^_^
1/14/2004 c1 127godawful teen-angst poetry
*hugs* Yay! You're back! I was wondering where you went...but anyways. Lovely poem, I like the last line especially. Good to have you back again!
1/13/2004 c1 teh tarik
*shreds of china*
*Immortalizing lost faiths*
That's one awesome tanka ^_^
1/13/2004 c1 34Children of the Root
beautiful. I love dreamcatchers.
1/13/2004 c1 ClearFrost
Nice haiku. Yay, your back! ^_^ Anyway, well done on this haiku. "multicolored vessel" that was a nice line =]
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