Just In
for Sail to the Moon

12/3/2006 c1 15To Be Ascertained
This story was really good, shrouded in mystery and magic while at the same time sad and silently distressing. It's as if I am trying to empathise with the person or the girl in some way but you just can't because it's so quiet and anonymous. And that's probably what's so depressing about it, because you feel so helpless while reading it. Um, I'm rambling...Sorry. But the gist of this review is, bravo for making it so deep.
6/20/2004 c1 2Squeaky
Wow. I loved this story. It has a mysterious air about it, a sort of quiet sadness. (Am I making sense?)
The ending was great.
1/14/2004 c1 7neunundneunzig
Beautiful AND depressing. How I love depressing stories. An interesting balance of action and thought/description. Very good :)
1/13/2004 c1 SuZakuGaiden
Bah, great. I was hoping to rip off this song in my own story. Ah well...
Seems a bit cliched, but I disgress. The imagery is great. Nice job describing things.
Some of the lyrics seem a bit off. You might want to check them.
1/13/2004 c1 30Roadside Dryer
This is very good, interesting. SO is the end, the end? IF the end isn't the END then i can't wait for an update!
1/13/2004 c1 34Iris Devine
Wow, great imagery! I don't get that from the song when I listen to it, but I love how you described everything. It's so beautiful, yet sad. Now I'll probably think of the images this story gave me every time I hear the song. Another good piece!

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