Just In
for Line Crossing

12/25/2012 c17 reader
ok. slapping her and calling her all that? Uncalled for. I would not forgive someone for doing that crap.
11/15/2011 c5 3laughing my a. off
I love this story! About how often do you update?
9/15/2009 c30 ghurl00
justin is so ugh! weird. who wants to pretend anyway? anyhow, love andreas character, very sweet.:D

love ur story.
7/17/2008 c32 5I Murder on Impulse
Great story!

3/8/2008 c32 Splutter
good story, if not rushed and unrealistic.
2/1/2008 c32 3AJS
This is a cute story, and sometimes a little cheesey, but I feel like there is not enough development of characters and relationships. You didn't spend much time doing the transitions between love and hate. Some of the stuff didn't make sense and kind of just hung there, making it sound like you knew where you wanted to go but weren't quite sure of how to get there. Kiara should have been pissed off at Andreas for not even taking the time to listen to her explanation when she "cheated" on him, and honestly, I have a hard time believing that Andreas actually loved her if he was so quick to turn against her, call her a fucking whore and a cheating bitch, and break it off. He seemed more pissed off that he had gotten cheated on than sad that she cheated on him. Also the relationship between Matt and Kiara was very sudden too. I think you tried to drop hints but they just came out like they were friends. There wasn't much development in that relationship, or Matt's feelings for her, either. Matt also wasn't a good friend for just turning around and dating Kiara knowing the feelings between Kiara & Andreas. Also Justin. I always get a little... aldkfjaldfkj... well this is a personal preference but did you really have to make Justin so out of control? Shouldn't Kiara have chosen Andreas over even a perfectly nice, normal, sweet guy instead, simply because he wasn't Andreas? Justin's ephiphany at the end there was also very sudden. It didn't really make any sense. If it had been Kiara breaking up with him that made him realize it, then shouldn't he have realized it right after she broke up with him? How long were Kiara & Andreas engaged anyways? I think the ending would have had a slightly nicer touch if it had ended with a scene of Kiara & Andreas together, since this story WAS about them. Just one more thing was that I think you confused the image/sterotype of goth and thug... or gangster, whatever. Gangster guys are the ones who wear the baggy, sagging pants, the chains, the bling bling, whatever. Goths are the ones with all the piercings, the skinny jeans (I guess cargoes could work?), the spikes, etc. etc.

I don't know. I don't mean to bash your fic or anything, because it's cute and it's lighthearted, and jeez, fics like these are my guilty pleasure because I love fluff. But I just feel like the chemistry between Kiara & Andreas just wasn't all there. It was cute though.

- Alyssa
4/30/2007 c32 ANGEL992210
fabulous job
4/17/2007 c32 5christinaxxyo
Aw, nice to know they get a happy ending. When Andreas left in the middle of the story I was like, "What the heck?" But I really liked how everything turned out. A bit cliche, but I love cliches. Everything's based off of them. I completely forgot who Andrew and Sarah was, if they were in the story before that is, and thought about it for at least 5 minutes before I gave up. And ways, great read and very well-written. =D
8/22/2006 c32 1goodbyemylover
hey,i really loved this story...it was so cute!
5/2/2006 c32 rae
good ending. you've tied everything together nicely.
4/30/2006 c3 rae
i doesn't seem as if there is any real animosity here. they just act as if they are fooling around, even flirting. this isn't a flame, just an observation.
4/13/2006 c14 7awaitinglove
omg i love it!
2/3/2006 c32 aim-snap-fall
thats was really cooL! it took me a while to read cause of school but it was just fricken awesome!

wow! thats soo cute! ahaha yeh good stuff.. i like the ending with the line crossing.. thats madd
2/2/2006 c24 lei
aaw! shes dating sumone! what the! oh wel... i luv andreas
1/31/2006 c7 aim-snap-fall
hey! your stories real madd so far! awesome stuff!i like how hes a punk! not much stories these days are like that! & i like that shes asian cause i am! & yeh its madd cause hes a punk-skatie!awesomeness!
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